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CASSI;LBI;RRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 28, 2011-Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />Noted. some citizens from Quail Pond Circle complained about access and parking issues during the <br />event which will be addressed by staff for fuhue events. <br />Commissioner Jon Miller -Seat No. 2: <br />® Echoed Commissioner Solomon's sentiments regarding red light cameras and the safety benefits of <br />having the cameras in place. <br />® Reported he attended the Februaly 26t1i jazz concert and commended staff for a successfill event. <br />® Reported he attended the February 17t1i Tri-County League of Cities meeting held in Altamonte <br />Springs. <br />® Congratulated Commissioner Hufford and her husband Bill Hufford for being honored by the Kl•ewe <br />of Leaders for their community leadership in March. <br />Mayor Charlene Glancy -Seat No. 5: <br />® Reported she attended the Februaly 26t1i jazz concert and commended staff for a successfill event. <br />® Reported she attended opening day festivities for Casselberfy Little League on February 27`''. <br />1 ~. A JLT NMENT <br />There being no further business, Mayor Glancy adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. <br />DATE MIT~IUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION: .. <br />ATTES'T': <br />Donna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />