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CC Minutes 06/14/2010
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2010 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 06/14/2010
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7/28/2010 11:29:36 AM
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CAS5I;LB>JRRY CITY CONINIISSION <br />Minutes of June 14, 2010 - Regula-• Meeting <br />Page 12 of 16 <br />DISCUSSION: Commissioner Hufford and Commissioner Miller spoke in favor of Ordinance 10- <br />1330. Discussion ensued regarding possible impacts to civic groups such as girl <br />scouts selling cookies at the entrances of stores. The Chief Planner and the Assistant <br />City Attorney clarified that Ordinance 10-1330 would not be applicable or impact <br />civic groups activities such as girl scout cookie sales. Furthet• discussion ensued <br />regarding the history of the permitting process for special events. <br />1Vlotion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 - 0. <br />11. ESI,U'I'I1o1S <br />No items were scheduled on this agenda. <br />1 T' E IT'E S <br />A. Reduction of Liens Request for 693 Bayou Drive (CE-09-02534, CE-09-02535, and <br />CE-09-02537) <br />Staff Presentation: Ms. Barbara Lipscomb, City Manager, stated consideration to reduce code enforcement <br />liens placed on property located at 693 Bayou Drive for case numbers CE-09-02534 (accumulation of dirt and <br />mildew on the exterior of the home), CE-09-02535 (failure to meet minimum maintenance standards - <br />replacing of front steps), and CE-09-025337 (no mobile home slcitting). Mr. James Jack, property owner of <br />693 Bayou Drive, addressed the Code Enforcement Board at its May 13, 2010 meeting. At the May 13, 2010 <br />meeting, Mr. Jacks stated he does not reside at the property and he purchased the property for his step brother <br />to live in so he would not be homeless. Mr. Jacks stated to the Code Enforcement Board that at the time the <br />violations occurred, he was experiencing financial issues and had them corrected as soon as he was able to. <br />The Code Enforcement Board determined that under these circumstances described by the property owner of <br />financial hardship and because there have been no other violations occurt•ing at the property since November <br />2009 when the corrections were made, that a reduction of lien amounts was warranted and recommended the <br />City Commission reduce case number CE-09-025341ien amount of $1,050 to $350, case number CE-09-02535 <br />lien amount of $1,600 to $350, and case number CE-09-02537 of $1,600 to $350 to be paid within 90 days. <br />The estimated administrative cost involved for these cases is $240 for twelve man hours. Any recording fee <br />expenses have previously been paid. <br />Budget Impact: The lien amounts paid would be recognized in the City Budget as income received. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager requested consideration of the Code Enforcement Board's <br />recommendation to reduce the liens from a total amount of $4,250 to $1,050 to be paid within 90 days. <br />Discussion: Commissioner Miller and Vice Mayor Solomon voiced concerns regarding the criteria being <br />utilized by the Code Enforcement Board or lack thereof in malting determinations regarding lien reductions. <br />Commissioner Miller and Vice Mayor Solomon spoke in opposition of reducing the lien amounts. <br />Commissioner Doerner and Commissioner Hufford spoke in favor of the recommended lien reductions since <br />
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