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CASSI',LBI;RRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of June 14, 2010 -Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />MOTION: Commissioner Hufford moved to approve Ordinance 10-1328 on first reading, <br />as pl•esented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller. <br />DISCUSSION: Commissioner Miller and Commissioner Hufford spoke in favor of Ordinance 10- <br />1328. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 - 0. <br />B. First Readini; of Ordinance 10-1329 -Voluntary Annexation of Sunshadow Area <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 10-1329 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO <br />ANNEXATION; MAKING FINDINGS; ANNEXING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN THE <br />CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, CERTAIN LANDS <br />LOCATED IN SECTION 04, TOWNSHIP 21, RANGE 30 AND SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 20, <br />RANGE 30; REDEFINING THE CORRORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, <br />FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE INTERIM PROVISION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS; PROVIDING THAT CERTAIN COUNTY LICENSEES FOLLOWING THEIR <br />BUSINESS, TRADE OR PROFESSION WITHIN THE LANDS TO BE ANNEXED MAY CONTINUE <br />TO FOLLOW SUCH BUSINESS, TRADE OR PROFESSION THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE <br />CORPORATE LIMITS WITHOUT THE NECESSITY OF FURTHER QUALIFICATION <br />THEREFORE; PROVIDING THAT EFFECTIVE IN ACCORDNACE WITH LAW THE AREA TO <br />BE ANNEXED SHALL BE ASSESSED FOR PAYMENT OF MUNICIPAL AD VALOREM TAXES; <br />DIl2ECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE CERTIFIED COPIES OF THE ORDINANCE WITH <br />THE SEMINOLE COUNTY CLERK OF THE CH2CUIT COURT AND THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />STATE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, <br />SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />The City Clerk noted the reference to the first reading for Ordinance 10-1329 as a public hearing on the agenda <br />and the cover memorandum distributed with the agenda materials was a scrivener's error and the ordinance is <br />not required to have two advertised public hearings, nor was it advertised as a public hearing for this meeting. <br />Staff Presentation: Ms. Pamela Lynch, Economic Development Coordinator, stated Ordinance 10-1329 <br />provides for annexation of four (4) parcels comprised of approximately 13.43 acres of land located on <br />Sunshadow Drive to the south of West State Road 434. The properties are developed with a retail center, <br />office building, commercial retail and the Sunshadow Drive roadway and buffer strip. The subject parcels are <br />contiguous to the City limits, will not create an enclave, are reasonably compact and located in an urban area, <br />and meet the statutory criteria for annexation as established in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes. <br />Budget Impact: The subject properties are current taxable value of $7,215,114 and provide $36,401 in <br />County property tax (excluding School Board and special districts). These parcels will provide $39,322.37 in <br />City property tax, an estimated $13,944 in annual stormwater fees and $1,704.03 for street lighting. <br />