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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 9, 2004 - Regular Meeting <br />Page I I of 18 <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Clark moved to approve Ordinance 04- <br />1121 on first reading as amended. Motion was <br />seconded by Doernero Motion carried unanimously by <br />roll call vote. <br /> <br />Roll Call Vote of the City Commission: <br /> <br /> Commissioner Doerncr- Yes; Commissioner Cook- Yes; Vice Mayor Clark - Yes; Mayor Pronovost <br /> - Yes. Motion passed 4 - 0. <br /> <br />Public Hearing Date: The second and final public hearing for Ordinance 04-1121 is scheduled for Monday, <br />March 22, 2004. <br /> <br />AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION <br /> <br />Mayor Pronovost asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to request participation on any <br />agenda item, or address the Commission on any other matter. The following individuals came forward: <br /> <br />1) John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, requested an opportunity to address Regular <br />Agenda items (1), Special Invoice and Minor Contracts/Amendments Authorization Report; <br />(2), Resolution 04-1474; and (3), Resolution 04-1475. Mr. Casselberry stated he attended <br />the recent Seminole County Fern Park Small Area Study meeting and voiced concerns <br />regarding the City's commemial property tree replacement code language and use of voice <br />votes by the City Commission on agenda items. Mayor Pronovost clarified that votes of the <br />Commission are always polled for ordinances and whenever there is a dissenting voice vote, <br />a roll call vote is taken on any other matter and recorded in the minutes. <br /> <br />2) Francisco Denis, 2616 Wells Avenue, Fern Park, voiced concems regarding the City's <br />recent policy decision which did not allow him to purchase a vendor table at the Jazz at <br />Sunset concert held February 7, 2004. Mr. Denis distributed copies of information he <br />received from the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce which invited him to <br />participate as a local political candidate at the upcoming"Fantasy in the Streets" event they <br />were hosting in conjunction with the City of Sanford. Mr. Denis stated he felt Casselberry <br />should likewise invite all local candidates to participate in its public events during an <br />election year. <br /> <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Pronovost closed Auff~ence Participation. <br /> <br /> <br />