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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes and Verbatim Transcript of November 8, 2005 Workshop <br />Page 10 of 17 <br /> <br />179 COMMISSIONER COOK: Well, you're speaking out of turn a little bit, Commissioner Hufford... <br />180 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: Excuse me, so you didn't... <br />181 COMMISSIONER COOK: ...because... <br />182 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: Excuse me. <br />183 COMMISSIONER COOK: I was not... <br />184 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: Excuse me. I'm... <br />185 COMMISSIONER COOK: 1... <br />186 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: Right. <br />187 COMMISSIONER COOK: ...Because... <br />188 COMMISSIONER HUFFORD: The other two. <br />189 COMMISSIONER COOK: Because it wasn't that I wasn't on board, but I haven't heard overwhelmingly <br />190 from the citizens that they're on board with it, with paying for one. From the citizens that I've heard from, <br />19 I so once again, I would say this would make a great referendum question, unless it can be paid for outside of <br />192 the taxpayers' pockets. <br />193 MAYOR GOFF: Okay. Now, in the discussion, there's a number of different points that I think have been <br />194 missed by the analysis. The question of it is, do you want them in a memo, or do you want them here? <br />195 You'd asked something about not discussing. Somebody said something about not discussing the, the issues <br />196 at this particular point and time. <br />197 JOHN STAINBACK: Right. Yes. <br />198 MAYOR GOFF: You know? <br />199 JOHN STAINBACK: And I would really appreciate your input, yes. <br />200 MAYOR GOFF: Now or... <br />201 CITY MANAGER STAMPFLER: I... <br />202 MAYOR GOFF: by memo? <br />203 JOHN STAINBACK: Through a memo. <br />204 CITY MANAGER ST AMPFLER: I think it would be very much in our interest to have it in a memo and <br />205 have it written so that we don't misunderstand at all. <br />206 MAYOR GOFF: Well, the point of it is that you have me right here, right now to ask the questions and <br />207 make sure that you don't misunderstand, where on a memo, you know, if you don't ask the follow up <br />208 question, you don't get the follow up answer. Ijust, you know... <br />