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<br />
<br />City of Casselberry
<br />Chief Planner
<br />
<br />95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida 32707 . Telephone (407) 262-7700, Ex!. 1108
<br />Fax (407) 262-7763 . Email: ssmith@casselberry.org
<br />
<br />TO:
<br />
<br />RE:
<br />
<br />Richard W. Wells, AICP, Community Development Director
<br />
<br />Sandra J. Smith, AICP, Chief Plannerff
<br />
<br />January 13, 2005
<br />
<br />Ordinance No. 04-1151: Unified Land Development Code (ULDR) revision to Section 3-10.9,
<br />Parking of vehicles in residential districts. (LPA 04-13)
<br />
<br />FROM:
<br />DATE:
<br />
<br />Ordinance No. 04-1151 was approved on first reading and first public hearing at the November 22, 2004 City
<br />Commission meeting (Exhibit A: Original packet). This ordinance addresses only the specific issue of commercial
<br />signage within Subsection A, General Requirements. During the meeting, the City Commission requested additional
<br />information from staff (Exhibit B: Minutes) regarding other issues.
<br />
<br />Staff research and discussions revealed that code language had been omitted and that other portions of this
<br />particular code section were unclear or in need of updating. Therefore, the information provided in this report takes a
<br />holistic view of the entire text within ULDR Section 3-10.9 and provides options for change. The City Commission
<br />may want to adopt portions of the proposed revisions at this time or defer to a latter date. The draft revision (Exhibit
<br />C) correlates to the data within this report. The blue text is either underlined as an addition or has a stFiIĊ tI:u:e~¡¡R for
<br />deletion. A letter is provided in a box in the margin. This letter relates back to the data within this report that
<br />addresses that particular issue.
<br />
<br />A. Code Enforcement Activity:
<br />"During a twelve month period in 2003 - 2004, 209 instances of commercial vehicle parking in a residential
<br />area were noted by the Code Enforcement Division. City staff initiated 164 of these actions, which includes the Police
<br />Department, and 45 were from citizen complaints. Of the 209 instances, only 6 citations were issued to individuals. At
<br />this time, all of the active and inactive "cases" have complied with the city code. Currently, we have received from the
<br />Police Department 13 additional reports of possible commercial vehicles parking in residential areas. These will be
<br />monitored for compliance." (Jimette Cook, Code Enforcement Bureau)
<br />
<br />Considering that there are approximately 8,000 residences in the City of Casselberry, the 209 instances
<br />equate to 2.6 percent of the residential units in the City being notified of a violation of the Commercial Vehicle
<br />ordinance. During 2004, Code Enforcement logged in 2744 complaints. Commercial vehicle complaints are
<br />approximately 7.4% of the enforcement effort.
<br />
<br />PhotoaraDhs: Exhibit D is a pictorial display of various types of commercial vehicles found both inside and
<br />outside of the City limits. The photos are grouped based on the type of vehicle.
<br />
<br />Jurisdictional information: Exhibit E provides a comparison of various jurisdictional requirements. Based on
<br />the currently proposed code changes, Casselberry's code will equate to Oviedo, Sanford and Seminole County's
<br />requirements. Oviedo tolerates a larger vehicle, Sanford has a lower size threshold than Casselberry, and Seminole
<br />County does not have any regulations regarding commercial vehicles.
<br />