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CC 08/26/2024 Minutes
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CC 08/26/2024 Minutes
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CASSCLBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of August 26, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 8 of 15 <br />discovered, the City Commission earlier in 2024 adopted Resolution 24-3410 which established legislation <br />in progress to allow medical services in the OR zoning district. Staff feels that medical services compliment <br />the businesses and professional offices that are currently allowed in the OR zoning district, and that the size <br />and dimension criteria for the OR zoning district will ensure that the structures and modifications are <br />compatible with the surrounding area and therefore they should also be allowed. This does not include <br />hospitals, however, which is a separate use and much more intense and having a greater impact on the <br />surrounding area. Ordinance 22-1573 also made a change to Veterinary and Pet Related Services by <br />revising the definition of veterinary medical services to exclude other pet related services, specifically <br />boarding, daycare and grooming, which also had the effect of rendering some existing businesses as non- <br />conforming. Pet -related services are a popular land use, and no similar land use exists. Given their impact, <br />staff does not feel that general retail is a suitable land use. Merging veterinary services with other pet - <br />related services into one land definition is proposed, and additional mitigation can be addressed through <br />site plan review if staff feels it is necessary when evaluating any changes of use of business tax receipt <br />applications when submitted. Veterinary and pet -related services will only be allowed in the CG <br />(Commercial General), CS (Commercial Service), I (Industrial), and I -M (Industrial Medium) zoning <br />districts. The last proposed amendment is to ULDR Section 2-5.3 Alcohol Sales for On-site Consumption <br />which requires conditional use approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission for sales of alcoholic <br />beverages for on-site consumption in the CG, CS, PMX-L (Planned Mixed Use -Low Intensity), PMX-H <br />(Planned Mixed Use High Intensity), PMX-MID (Planned Mixed Use Mid -Rise), and PMX-HIGH <br />(Planned Mixed Use High -Rise) zoning districts. Any restaurant wanting to sell beer and wine would have <br />to go through the conditional use process which depending on submittal can take six plus weeks and can be <br />burdensome for local business owners. IM (Industrial Medium) is the only zoning district that allows for <br />alcohol sales for on-site consumption outright. Staff finds the conditional use process to be redundant since <br />a lot of the same type of evaluation is done through other methods, including review of the request for sign - <br />off on the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation licensing application, which <br />includes zoning check and distance separation requirements. There are no plans to remove any current <br />standards related to service of alcohol for on-site consumption, just the requirement for conditional use. <br />Business Tax Receipt review also includes checking for zoning and general compliance, including site <br />deficiencies such as parking or landscaping and there is a separate review from the Utilities Division to <br />ensure that there is an appropriate grease interceptor on site. Overall, staff would like to correct these <br />inconsistencies and redundancies to refine the existing regulations and to remove unnecessary barriers for <br />the benefit of the community's economic development activities. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact on the City's budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended approval <br />of Ordinance 24-1607 on first reading. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address Ordinance 24-1607. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve Ordinance 24-1607 on first <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Busch. Motion <br />carried unanimously by voice vote 4-0. <br />
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