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CC 08/12/2024 Minutes
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CC 08/12/2024 Minutes
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CASSGLBCRRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes ofAugust 12,2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />Commissioner Mark Busch — Seat No. 3: <br />Stated that it had been an honor working with Commissioner Albritton, and although they had <br />different opinions on many things, he appreciated the good discussions, and it was always a <br />good thing to look at issues through some else's eyes and hear different opinions. He thanked <br />Commissioner Albritton for his years of service on the City Commission. <br />Agreed that the addition of the Tesla charging stations at WaWa was an excellent thing for the <br />City, noting that the City had even recently purchased some electric vehicles. <br />Agreed that the ballot language for the Charter Amendments were well written and although <br />he had had a couple of residents ask solve questions about the amendments, overall, he felt the <br />language on the ballot had been understood and well received. <br />In response to a question from Mr. Newlon, the City Clerk clarified that Commissioner Albritton's last <br />meeting would be dependent on the outcome of the vote on the Charter Amendments. <br />Commissioner Nancy Divita - Seat No. 2: <br />Recently attended the following events and meetings: Seminole County Chamber State of Our <br />Schools event on July 29"', at which Seminole County Schools Superintendent Serita Beamon <br />provided highlights about the County's schools; Florida League of Cities Annual Conference <br />"Know Before You Go" webinar on August 7"'; and Florida Cities Strong webinar on August <br />1 2' ;11 wh;ch one tnp1e was citlZel.,s,' academies and porch W fuiidirig yr those hon,corporate <br />partners. <br />Vice Mayor/Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />Attended the CALNO (Council of Local Governments in Seminole County) meeting on <br />Wednesday, August 7"' which was hosted by the City of Longwood. A presentation was given <br />on how people are extricated out of crashed vehicles and the additional challenges faced in <br />those situations when it is an electric vehicle. After the presentation and discussion, reports <br />were given by each member organization present on events and issues in their respective <br />jurisdictions. <br />Commended and congratulated the City Clerk on the success of her presentations at the four <br />Town Hall Meetings held for the proposed Charter Amendments, noting that the presentations <br />had been very thorough, and she had made it fin and interesting, so the attendees had been <br />engaged and had participated in the discussions. <br />Mayor/Commissioner David Henson - Seat No. 5: <br />Reported that prior to leaving for vacation 11e had attended the MetroPlan Orlando Municipal <br />Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting and the Leadership Seminole Board of Directors <br />meeting. <br />
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