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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 22, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 18 <br />"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, <br />FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH <br />THE FLORIDA WILDFLOWER FOUNDATION FOR THE 2024 VIVA FLORIDA LANDSCAPE <br />DEMONSTRATION GARDEN GRANT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND <br />EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Natural Resources Officer Nick Cooper stated that Resolution 24-3441 provides for <br />an Agreement for a 2024 Viva Florida Landscape Demonstration Garden Grant through the Florida <br />Wildflower Foundation to install a Florida native plant demonstration garden along the Secret Lake <br />Conservation Area in the amount of $3,000, and approval of related Budget Amendment #24-054 is <br />requested. Mr. Cooper further stated the Lakes Management Division staff will be responsible for the actual <br />installation of the demonstration garden, and staff along with potentially some volunteers will be doing the <br />ongoing maintenance for the garden once installed. Mr. Cooper noted that the application has already been <br />made for the 2024 Viva Florida Landscape Demonstration Garden Grant and $3,000 has been approved for <br />the grant by the Florida Wildflower Foundation which can be used towards the purchase of Florida native <br />wildflowers and flowering shrubs. Staff estimates that roughly 950 plants consisting of around 30 different <br />species can be purchased for the garden itself. The proposed location for the garden is at the Secret Lake <br />Conservation Area between the conservation area itself and the multi-purpose field and the project will be <br />completed in two phases as required by the Foundation. If approval to accept the grant funds is approved <br />by the Commission, the next step would be execution of the contract with Florida Wildflower Foundation <br />and then continuation of site preparation. The garden will be an educational area, which will include <br />signage, a walking path, insect hotels, and native plants which will be a beneficial habitat for increased <br />pollinators, birds and small mammals, and will be aesthetically pleasing. The key program requirements <br />that must be accomplished are as follows: establish demonstration garden and maintain for 1 year; matching <br />contributions equal or greater than 50% of award amount; at least 80% of grant funds used towards plant <br />purchase; develop educational materials; two progress reports; and complimentary admission. The <br />Commission expressed appreciation to Mr. Cooper for the presentation and to staff for continuously seeking <br />to find creative ways to add to the beauty of the parks and the surrounding natural enviromnent. <br />Budget Impact: Budget Amendment 424-054 will recognize grant funding in the amount of $3,000 <br />provided by the Florida Wildflower Foundation by increasing the FY 2024 Stormwater Fund <br />Contributions/Donations/Pi-ivate Sources account #110-0000-366.91-00 and Stormwater Operating <br />Supplies account 4110-0740-538.52-00 each by $3,000. This revenue will be received in two separate <br />installments as stipulated in the terms of the agreement. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Public Works & Utilities Director recommended approval <br />of Resolution 24-3441 and related Budget Amendment #24-054. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address Resolution 24-3441. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve Resolution 24-3441, as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Busch. Motion carried unanimously by <br />voice vote 5-0. <br />Public Works and Utilities Director Kelly Brock advised the Commission that there was also a related <br />budget amendment associated with this item. <br />