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CASSELBERRY CI"rl' COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 8, 2024 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />Vice Mayor/Commissioner Anthony Aramendia - Seat No. 1: <br />Attended the CALNO (Council of Local Governments in Seminole County) meeting on <br />Wednesday, April 3rd which was hosted by the City of Sanford. A presentation was given by <br />Chris Ham of Rescue Outreach Mission regarding the use of ARPA (American Rescue Plan <br />Act) funding that had been received. After the presentation, reports were given by each <br />member organization present on events and issues in their respective jurisdictions. <br />Attended the State of the City Luncheon hosted by the Casselberry Chamber of Commerce at <br />MetroLife Church on Wednesday, April 3". <br />Mayor/Commissioner David Henson - Seat No. 5: <br />Recently attended the following events and meetings: Leadership Seminole Joint meeting with <br />Executive Committee and the Board at an After Hours event on March 27t11; Groundbreaking <br />Ceremony for Wirz Park on April 3'd; Casselberry Chamber of Commerce State of the City <br />event and luncheon on April 3`a; the 2024 Best Foot Forward Summit on April 4t11 at which the <br />City received an award for outstanding pedestrian safety engineering efforts, specifically for <br />striping and signing improvements completed by the City at the Melody Lane/Cypress Way <br />intersection near Target. <br />Advised that although he had been unable to attend, the Police Department had held its Kids - <br />N -Cops Fishing Derby on April 6"', and it had been a very successful event. <br />18. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, Mayor Henson adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m. <br />DATE MINUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION: L 7GZ <br />ATTEST: <br />Donna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />