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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of August 28, 2023 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 18 <br />Introduction: Approval of Budget Amendment #23-076 to provide additional funding for the capital <br />purchase of vehicles for the Streets and Facilities Divisions of the Public Works & Utilities Department in <br />the amount of $21,296 is requested. <br />Discussion: Staff recently received quotes from Bozard Ford based on Contract BCSO-22-27-1.0 for the <br />purchase of two Ford F-250 trucks for the Streets and Facilities Divisions. However, these quotes exceeded <br />the anticipated purchase price by a total of $21,296. <br />Budget Impact: Budget Amendment #23-076 provides sufficient funding to cover the shortfall in the <br />amount of $21,296 related to the purchase of these vehicles. <br />BA #23-076 <br />Explanation of Request: This budget amendment seeks City Commission approval to provide additional <br />funding for the purchase of vehicles for Streets and Facilities Divisions in the amount of $21,296. <br />Account Number Account Description Amount <br />Increase: <br />302-0000-389.90-00 Other Non -Operating Source $21,296 <br />302-0720-541.67-22 Vehicle $13,936 <br />302-0721-519.67-22 Vehicle $ 7,360 <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Public Works & Utilities Director recommended approval <br />of Budget Amendment #23-076. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address the Consent Agenda. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Meadows moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as amended. <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />8. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />A. Future Agenda Items <br />No items were presented for consideration. <br />9. RESOLUTIONS <br />No items were presented for consideration on this agenda. <br />