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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of October 11, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page i t of 17 <br />Ordinance 21-1558. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Busch moved to adopt Ordinance 21-1558 on second and final <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. Presentation and Discussion of Preliminary Conceptual Plans for PW 2114 <br />Brightwater Estate <br />Staff Presentation: City Manager Randy Newlon gave a brief history of the City's acquisition of the <br />Brightwater Estate and an overview of what would be covered during the presentation, noting that after the <br />presentation the consultant and staff would be looking for feedback and guidance from the City Commission <br />on what their vision was for the site, and the components they felt should stay in or be removed from the <br />conceptual plan. The consultants would then take that feedback and re -draw the plan based on that feedback <br />which would be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Commission at a <br />future date. He then introduced Kristin Caborn, Director of Park Planning with GAI Consultants, the firm <br />engaged by the City to prepare the conceptual plan for the Brightwater Estate property. Ms. Caborn <br />introduced her team members who were in attendance and would be participating in the presentation, which <br />were Frank Bellomo, Vice President and Sr. Director of Landscape Architecture at GAI Consultants, <br />Tommy Goodwill, an architect with Wannemacher Jensen Architects who specializes in recreation <br />architecture, and Sean Lackey, owner of Sean Lackey Architecture, who specializes in historical <br />restorations and has knowledge of James Gamble Rogers properties. The team then gave a presentation <br />which included the following components: <br />- Master Planning Process <br />o Task 1: The Foundation <br />■ Project Initiation <br />■ History Research <br />■ Comparable Venue Research <br />• Leu Gardens <br />• Cypress Grove <br />■ Site Survey <br />■ Programming <br />o Task 2: Exploring <br />■ Conceptual Master Planning <br />• Plan 1 <br />o Grand Entry w/Fountain <br />o Brightwater Estate <br />o Ceremony Site <br />o Formal Event Lawn <br />o Event Hall <br />o Restrooms <br />o Catering Kitchen <br />