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CASSLLBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of March 22, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 15 <br />14. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />A. Procurement Information Report for the Period February 1 2021 through February <br />28, 2021 <br />Mr. Newlon advised that the Procurement Information Report for the month of February 2021 was <br />contained in the Commissioners' agenda packets for review. He noted that the report contained information <br />about minor contracts that were issued under delegated authority of staff during this period. <br />Thanked Ms. Orey for her kind comments about the running of the meetings earlier in the <br />meeting and advised that the livestreaming issue is currently under study by City staff and it <br />would take a fair amount more time before there was anything to report. <br />Stated that he and Commissioner Aramendia had recently conducted a City of Casselberry <br />advocacy tour with members of the Seminole County government and Commissioner <br />Aramendia would be sharing information about that during his report. <br />Advised that he would be out of the office due to personal matters for at least two weeks <br />beginning Thursday, March 2511i and had requested that Public Works Director Mark Gisclar <br />serve as Acting City Manager during that period. He added that he would make a formal <br />announcement to that effect on Tuesday, March 23rd. <br />15. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Reported that the Florida League of Cities was asking local governments to contact their legislative teams <br />opposing Senate Bill 266 relating to home-based businesses. In response to a request from Commissioner <br />Aramendia, Ms. Reischmann gave a brief overview of some of the challenges the City faces regarding to <br />ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance, particularly as it relates to livestreaming, social media, <br />City website, viewing of public records, etc. <br />Discussion: Discussion ensued regarding various issues that local governments, including the City of <br />Casselberry, have experienced with trying to meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance <br />requirements, which included: litigation; expense and staff time involved in making documents and media <br />ADA compliant; lack of federal guidance on the federally mandated ADA requirements; changes in <br />technology; and potential issues and City liabilities associated with livestreaming of meetings. <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />No report. <br />