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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of March 22, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 15 <br />District at the time of permit renewal. <br />Added language that if the harm associated with an authorized withdrawal from the Upper <br />Floridan Aquifer has been or will be mitigated in accordance with a condition of the existing <br />permit then the allocation will not be reduced to the Demonstrated 2025 Demand. This allows <br />for mitigation projects, such as the development of alternative water sources and/or <br />implementation of additional conservation measures, without initially adjusting the CUP. <br />Splits alternative water supply projects into two categories: single-phase and multi -phase. <br />Single phase projects are smaller water supply projects that are expected to be completed within <br />seven (7) years of the effective date of the rulemaking, while multi -phase projects will be <br />completed incrementally within twenty (20) years. Any well deepening projects and/or <br />exploration of use of the Lower Floridan Aquifer would qualify as a single-phase project. A <br />temporary allocation of water from the Upper Floridan Aquifer can be given until the single- <br />phase projects are completed. <br />Added a definition for Redistributed. The Redistributed option can provide a plan for <br />redistributing existing Upper Floridan Aquifer withdrawals within a CUP based on <br />groundwater modeling. <br />Changed the language that required the development of an Annual Conservation Goal <br />Implementation Plan. The updated rulemaking will require this plan be developed and <br />implemented on a case-by-case basis. <br />Ms. Reischmann requested that any motion by the City Commission to approval withdrawal of the City's <br />Petition also include authorization for the Mayor to sign the Settlement Agreement on behalf of the City. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address the City Commission regarding this item. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Meadows moved to approve withdrawal of Petition to <br />Challenge Rules Proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection <br />(FDEP) for the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Area and to <br />authorize the Mayor to execute the related Settlement Agreement. Motion <br />was seconded by Vice Mayor Busch. Motion carried unanimously by voice <br />vote 5-0. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Henson announced persons that wished to snake comment or make inquiry on any hatter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Henson announced the rules of <br />decorum. The following individual came forward: <br />1. Emily Orey, Kenwick Circle, expressed appreciation for the professional way the City <br />Commission meetings are conducted, suggested that the City consider adding a staff position <br />dedicated to handling outreach to connect the City to its residents, businesses, and various other <br />local organizations, and inquired whether it would be possible to get an update on the City's <br />research into livestreaming the meetings. <br />