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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of May 12, 2014 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 22 <br />range between $34,097 and $51,146 — with a midpoint of $42,622. It is necessary for the City to hire an <br />officer with experience to continue the effective implementation of the code processes. <br />It has been determined that the Code Compliance Supervisor position should be upgraded to a Lead Code <br />Compliance Officer position and a Code Compliance Officer position eliminated. The Lead Code Compliance <br />Officer would assume the field responsibilities of the Supervisor as the Coordinator has already assumed the <br />office responsibilities of the Supervisor. The Lead Code Compliance Officer and the Code Compliance <br />Coordinator will work together to oversee the code compliance process. They both report directly to the <br />Development Services Manager. <br />Consideration to approve the following change is requested: Approve a Lead Code Compliance Officer <br />position to provide the ability to hire a more experienced code officer. This is a grade C2 with a salary range <br />between $43,251 and $64,877 — with a midpoint of $54,064. <br />Budget Impact: The impact to the City budget due to the elimination of a Code Compliance Officer and <br />upgrade of the Code Compliance Supervisor position to a Lead Code Compliance Officer will be an estimated <br />cost savings of $29,000. No budget amendment will be recognized at this time. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended approval of <br />the reorganization within the Code Compliance Section. <br />Audience Participation: The following individual carne forward to address the Consent Agenda: <br />Mr. John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, voiced concerns about Item H relating to <br />vacation of a portion of East Melody Lane, stating he felt there were questions about <br />ownership of the property and he was opposed to the City vacating it at this time. <br />No one else came forward. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. <br />Motion was seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. <br />Vice Mayor Hufford requested that Item H be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately for <br />discussion purposes. <br />AMENDED MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, <br />as amended to remove Item H, Resolution 14-2604 — Vacating a <br />Portion of East Melody Lane, for discussion. Motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Aramendia. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />