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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 10, 2014 —Regular Meeting <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended adoption of <br />Ordinance 14-1402 on second and final reading. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Glancy opened the public hearing relative to Ordinance 14-1402. The following <br />individual came forward: <br />Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Court, spoke in opposition to Ordinance 14-1402, citing <br />concerns that the City was spending tax dollars on projects which were wasteful and were not <br />wanted by the citizens of Casselberry. <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Glancy closed the public hearing relative to Ordinance 14-1402. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Hufford moved to adopt Ordinance 14-1402 on second and <br />final reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Solomon. Motioned carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />B. Second Reading of Ordinance 14-1403 — Amendment to City Code Chapter 86 <br />Utilities <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 14-1403 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 86, <br />UTILITIES, TO CREATE A NEW SECTION 86-3, AGREEMENT TO DEFER BENEFIT FEES AND <br />CONNECTION FEES OR CHARGES TO ALLOW APPLICANTS FOR CONNECTION TO THE <br />CITY WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS TO DEFER PAYMENT OF FEES UNTIL ISSUANCE OF <br />CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY; TO AMEND SECTION 86-68, BENEFIT FEE AND <br />CONNECTION CHARGE; TO AMEND SECTION 86-96, APPLICATION FOR SERVICE; <br />PERMIT; AND TO AMEND SECTION 86-186, BENEFIT FEE, CONNECTION FEE AND METER <br />INSTALLATION CHARGE; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY <br />AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing for Ordinance 14-1403 was advertised in the <br />Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, January 30, 2014. <br />Staff Presentation: Community Development Director Sandra Smith gave a brief overview of Ordinance 14- <br />1403, explaining that this ordinance, if adopted, would allow deferment of water and sewer benefit connection <br />fees from payment at the issuance of the building permit at the front-end of construction, until issuance of the <br />certificate of occupancy at the end of construction. She added that each request would be considered on a case <br />by case basis and would have to be approved by the Commission by resolution. She further added that if a <br />deferment was granted, the cost of the connection fees being deferred would be applied as a lien against the <br />property until the fees were paid prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City budget. <br />