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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 8, 2021 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 15 <br />ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) TO PMX-HIGH <br />(PLANNED MIXED-USE: HIGH RISE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.93 ACRES LOCATED AT <br />198 STATE ROAD 436, AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION I OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING <br />FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Planner II Christina Hyson stated that Ordinance 21-1550 amends the official zoning <br />designation for one (1) parcel located at 198 SR 436 from CG (Commercial General) to PMX-HIGH <br />(Planned Mixed -Use: High Rise) (ZB-20-04). Notification was provided to the surrounding property <br />owners within 500 feet on December 28, 2020 and written notices for the Official Zoning Map amendment <br />were posted on the subject property on December 23, 2020. The City's Development Review Committee <br />(DRC) approved the concept plan for ZB 20-04 on November 19, 2020, and the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission, serving as the City's Local Planning Agency, voted unanimously at its meeting on January <br />13, 2021 to recommend approval of Ordinance 21-1550 to the City Commission. The request to amend the <br />Official Zoning Map from CG (Commercial General) to PMX-HIGH (Planned Mixed -Use: High Rise) for <br />the subject property is: 1) consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Major Thoroughfare <br />Mixed Use Future Land Use Designation; 2) compatible and consistent with the adjacent land uses and <br />zoning districts; and 3) City water and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property. In <br />response to a question from the City Commission, Ms. Hyson clarified that adoption of the ordinance would <br />not mean that a high-rise building would be constructed on the site. She advised that the currently proposed <br />concept plan for the site was for a one-story drive-through restaurant and there was the ability for the <br />applicant or the property owner in the future to request an increase of the intensity, but that would require <br />an amendment of the PUD (Planned Unit Development) agreement and hearings before the City <br />Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission before that could happen. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended approval <br />of Ordinance 21-1550 on first reading. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address Ordinance 21-1550. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Aramendia moved to approve Ordinance 21-1550 on first <br />reading, as presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Busch. Motion <br />carried unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />No items were presented for consideration on this agenda. <br />