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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 28, 2020 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 13 of 18 <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 20-1539 by title, as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, TO AMEND THE CITY OF <br />CASSELBERRY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE OF THE <br />FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY HIGH DENSITY <br />RESIDENTIAL TO CITY OF CASSELBERRY MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR <br />APPROXIMATELY 21.41 ACRES LOCATED AT 3110 HOWELL BRANCH ROAD AND 3128 <br />ORAVA LANE, AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION I OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR <br />TRANSMITTAL OF THE PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC <br />OPPORTUNITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing relative to first reading of Ordinance 20-1539 <br />was advertised in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, September 17, 2020 in accordance with Section <br />163.3184 of the Florida Statutes. <br />Staff Presentation: Planner Il Christina Hyson stated that Ordinance 20-1539 amends the Future Land <br />Use Map (FLUM) designation from Seminole County High Density Residential to City of Casselberry <br />Medium Density Residential for approximately 21.41 acres located at 3110 Howell Branch Road and 3128 <br />Orava Lane. <br />The total acreage of the subject properties exceeds the ten (10) acre limit for a small-scale comprehensive <br />plan amendment and as a result the properties must undergo a large-scale comprehensive plan amendment <br />which requires review by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). Written notices were posted <br />on the subject properties on August 26, 2020, and a notification letter was sent to all property owners within <br />500 feet of the subject properties on August 27, 2020. At its meeting on September 9, 2020 the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission, serving as the City's Local Planning Agency (LPA), voted unanimously (6-0) to <br />recommend approval of Ordinance 20-1539 to the City Commission. The request to amend the Future <br />Land Use Map from Seminole County High Density Residential to City of Casselberry Medium Density <br />Residential for the subject properties is: 1) consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; 2) compatible <br />with the surrounding mix of land uses and zoning districts; and 3) City water is available to the existing <br />development on the site, but sanitary sewer services are not currently available to the subject properties. <br />However, hydraulic modeling was conducted to determine potential connections for both the potable water <br />and wastewater systems to ensure that the estimated future demand for water and sewer utilities can be <br />accommodated. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Community Development Director recommended approval <br />of Ordinance 20-1539 on first reading. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Henson stated this was a public hearing to hear and consider comments and <br />questions regarding Ordinance 20-1539. Mayor Henson opened the floor for public participation. No one <br />came forward to address Ordinance 20-1539. Mayor Henson closed the public hearing relative to <br />Ordinance 20-1539. <br />