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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 8, 2019 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />16. CITY CLERK'S REPORT <br />Provided reminders for the following upcoming events: <br />o Art & Music in the Park and Food Truck Bazaar, Friday, April 12t1, from 6-9 p.m. at <br />Lake Concord Park <br />0 2nd Annual Folk Festival, Saturday, April 13t1, from 6-9 p.m. at Lake Concord Park <br />o Quarterly Community Cleanup, Saturday, April 13t1, from 8 a.m. to Noon. Residents <br />only may bring construction and demolition debris to the Public Works Complex <br />located at 1040 7t11 Street. <br />17. CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS/COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Andrew Meadows — Seat No. 2 <br />• Thanked staff who had worked on the presentation for the Joint Workshop with the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission relating to sustainable transportation and land use. Added that having <br />recently utilized the trail system in Richmond, it had reaffirmed to him that trails and amenities <br />done correctly add a lot to a community and he was looking forward to the City continuing <br />work in that area. <br />Commissioner Mark Busch - Seat No. 3 <br />• Agreed with Commissioner Meadows' comments about the recent workshop, adding that <br />combined with the work being done through the Parks, Recreation, Pathways & Open Spaces <br />Master Plan, he was looking forward to some really great things happening in the City. <br />Commissioner Bill Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />Congratulated Vice Mayor Aramendia on the great success of the Central Florida Top Brewer <br />Beer Festival on April 6t1, hosted by Friends of the Park. <br />Commended Community Development Department staff for their ongoing efforts in the area <br />of code compliance. <br />Congratulated the Police Department on showing an overall reduction in crime through March <br />from last year's statistics. <br />Vice Mayor Anthony Aramendia — Seat No. 1: <br />• Reported that the Central Florida Top Brewer Beer Festival on April 6t" hosted by Friends of <br />the Park had been wildly successful, with brewers participating from throughout Central <br />Florida. He noted that the proceeds from the event would go back into improvements to the <br />City's parks. <br />