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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of January 14, 2019 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 14 <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. Oxford Park Overlay District Design Standards Discussion <br />Staff Presentation: Development Services Manager Emily gave a presentation on the proposed Oxford <br />Park Overlay District, highlighting design standards being proposed by staff for the District, which included <br />the following components: <br />A. Purpose and Intent <br />B. Applicability <br />C. Conformity <br />D. Permitted, conditional and prohibited land uses <br />E. Site Design <br />F. Building Setback and Height Standards <br />G. Building Design Standards <br />H. Parking Standards <br />I. <br />Landscaping <br />J. <br />Retention/Detention areas <br />K. <br />Streetscape <br />L. <br />Signage <br />M. <br />Equipment <br />Discussion: A brief discussion ensued relating to some of the proposed design standards, which included <br />outdoor dining and pedestrian walkway clearance requirements; signage and the possibility of combining <br />signage with art features along the corridor; the possibility of future expansion of the Overlay District; and <br />retention of flexibility in the design standards for the District to allow for shifts in market trends which <br />could occur during development along the corridor. The City Commission as a whole commended staff for <br />their work on the proposed design standards, including coordination with other agencies on the area studies, <br />and with Seminole County's development of its Overlay District in order to ensure similar design standards <br />along the entire Oxford Road corridor. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: This is a discussion item only to receive initial input from the City Commission <br />regarding the proposed standards. Staff recommendations following this discussion will be forthcoming <br />during adoption of the proposed standards. <br />Audience Participation: No one came forward to address this item <br />CONSENSUS: The City Commission agreed by consensus that staff was on track with the <br />City Commission's vision for the Oxford Park Overlay District design <br />standards, and directed staff to pursue the path they were on currently for <br />refinement of the proposed ordinance for presentation to the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission and the City Commission in the near future. <br />