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CC 02/12/2018 Minutes Workshop
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CC 02/12/2018 Minutes Workshop
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7/25/2018 3:50:46 PM
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 12, 2018 — Workshop <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />that staff further review and research what would be involved in the proposed enhancements and to bring the <br />information back to the City Commission for additional discussion and consideration. He stated that in <br />addition to staff reporting on their findings there would also be two presentations detailing both sides of a bond <br />referendum issue which had recently occurred in the City of Winter Park for the purpose of funding <br />construction of a new public library, and those presentations would be by Mr. Larry Adams and Ms. Julie von <br />Weller of ACi Architects and Ms. Sara Brady of Sara Brady Public Relations. <br />A. Winter Park Library Initiative <br />i. Process to Achieve a Successful Voter Referendum by Larry Adams, ACi <br />Mr. Larry Adams and Ms. Julie von Weller with ACi Architects, 995 Pennsylvania Avenue, Winter Park, gave <br />a presentation detailing their experiences with the City of Winter Park's process in seeking a $30 million bond <br />referendum for funding a new public library and events facility which highlighted the following points: <br />• Why? Must have a clearly defined vision. <br />• How will my voice be hard? Seek understanding first, then to be understood. <br />• What are the citizens getting? Have a community driven plan. <br />• What will it look like? Synergize & visualize. <br />• Budget. High-quality & transparent information. <br />• Leadership. Proactive communications plan. <br />ii. Insights into the Views of Referendum Opponents by Sara Brady, Sara Brady <br />Public Relations <br />Ms. Sara Brady of Sara Brady Public Relations, 222 West Comstock Avenue, Winter Park, shared her personal <br />experiences as a resident of Winter Park who was originally opposed to the library project and the bond <br />referendum. She stated that much of the opposition was due to citizens not believing that renovation was not <br />an option; not wanting to change the library's location; not understanding the cost; defensiveness of elected <br />officials; and not having clear communication between the City and the public. She urged that engagement <br />with the public and accurate information updates were crucial and that the citizens have to feel that they were <br />heard and listened to. She added that she felt the City of Casselberry was well positioned to move forward <br />with this significant undertaking, but should be very thoughtful and careful to know all the necessary <br />information and keep open, clear communication with the public as they move forward. <br />The Commission as whole expressed appreciation to Mr. Adams, Ms. von Weller and Ms. Brady for sharing <br />information and giving insight into both sides of the Winter Park bond referendum issue and agreed that <br />gathering accurate information and maintaining an ongoing open and transparent communication process with <br />the public was key to success of the project. <br />
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