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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 12, 2018 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 12 <br />Commissioner Bill Hufford — Seat No. 4: <br />• Also expressed appreciation to staff for all they had done resulting in the City having been <br />recognized with the heART fol• the ARTS Alvard. He added special thanks to Commissioner <br />Aramendia for his involvement with the Seminole Cultural Arts Council. <br />• Shared that for the first time there would be a countywide arts tour in December and the City's <br />Art House would be showcased during that event. <br />Vice Mayor Andrew Meadows — Seat No. 2 <br />Thanked Commissioner Aramendia and City staff for working hard to bring recognition to the <br />City of Casselberry for its support of the arts. <br />Mayor Glancy — Seat No. 5: <br />Also expressed appreciation to Commissioner Aramendia and City staff for all the work they <br />do towards promoting the arts and stated that the Seminole Cultural Arts Council event had <br />been a wonderful event and she was proud that the City had been presented with the heART for <br />the ARTS Aivard. <br />Stated she was looking forward to the City's 1St Annual Mardi Gras Music Festival on Saturday, <br />February 17th <br />Li 1 / ►\1l <br />There being no further business, Mayor Glancy adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m. <br />DATE MINUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION: <br />ATTEST: <br />r <br />Donna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />