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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of June 12, 2017 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />12. OTHER ITEMS <br />A. Designation of Voting elegate to the Florida League of Cities 91St Annual <br />Conference <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City Budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager recommended that the City Commission consider designating a voting <br />delegate for the Florida League of Cities 91St Annual Conference. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to appoint Commissioner Bill Hufford to serve <br />as the City's voting delegate at the business meeting held during the Florida <br />League of Cities 91St Annual Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida August <br />17-19,2017. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Meadows. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5-0. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Glancy announced persons that wished to make comment or make inquiry on any matter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Glancy announced the rules of <br />decorum. The following individual came forward: <br />Mr. Carlos Perero, 286 NE Triplet Drive, stated he currently rented at this address but had <br />recently purchased a home at 226 Triplet Court. He presented several photographs of NE <br />Triplet Drive and Triplet Court to City Cleric Donna who provided copies to the Commission, <br />and expressed concern that these two streets were not currently included in the City's planned <br />roadway improvements. He requested that the City consider including them in the planned <br />improvements, and if not, that they be considered for improvements in the near future. <br />No one else came forward. <br />® Thanked the Commission for their attention to the matters on tonight's agenda which resulted <br />in a very productive meeting. <br />® Expressed appreciation to Ricky Basher for being such a dedicated worker with a great <br />attitude for many years, adding that he had been honored to have personally worked with him <br />and he would be sorely missed. <br />® Thanked everyone who had helped to make the Rock N' Blues Concert and Car Show on <br />Saturday, May 27, 2017 a great success. <br />® Congratulated Chief Krantz and all those who helped with the Kids -n -Cops Fishin' Derby <br />held at Secret Lake Park on Saturday, June 10, 2017 which was a fundraiser for Kids House <br />