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CC 02/13/2017 Minutes Workshop
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CC 02/13/2017 Minutes Workshop
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 13, 2017—workshop <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />would give a brief presentation regarding a program in which his students were developing a new Healthy <br />Community element for possible inclusion in the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />Ms. Lucie Ghioto, Senior Planner and Project Manager at Poulos and Bennett, gave a brief overview of the <br />process being followed to update the City's Comprehensive Plan, including State of Florida procedural <br />requirements and main goals developed in discussions with staff and in preliminary review of the existing <br />Comprehensive Plan. She explained that local governments are required to evaluate their Comprehensive <br />Plans every seven years in order to address any statutory or policy changes, noting that the City had last <br />evaluated its Plan in 2009. She further explained that this review would result in the Evaluation and Appraisal <br />Report which would be submitted to the Florida Department of Economic Development (formerly Florida <br />Department of Community Affairs) for review, after which she anticipated the final Comprehensive Plan to be <br />adopted by the City around November of 2017. <br />Ms. Ghioto advised that the consultants and staff hoped to modify the Comprehensive Plan's goals, objectives <br />and policies to reflect the City's evolving priorities and vision for the future of the City. She stated that some <br />of the key changes which were being proposed based on initial meetings with City staff were as follows: <br />• Ensure redevelopment areas reflect the City's vision <br />Adopt a new Sustainability Element into the Comprehensive Plan <br />• Establish a new Conservation Future Land Use category <br />• Transition to a Multi -Modal Transportation Element that addresses those priorities established <br />by the Multi -Modal Transportation Master Plan <br />• Incorporate data and recommendations from other recent Master Planning efforts <br />Dr. Christopher Hawkins introduced himself as the instructor for the 2016-2017 MSURP (Master of Science in <br />Urban and Regional Planning) Planning Studio which is a professional graduate degree in urban and regional <br />planning at the University of Central Florida (UCF) housed in the School of Public Administration. He <br />advised that prior to graduation each student in the program has to complete the Studio which is an applied <br />planning project for a client, usually a city, which spans over two semesters. He stated that the project <br />typically results in a deliverable, which in this case would be the new Healthy Community element for the <br />City's Comprehensive Plan. He advised that the steps the students had taken so far to accomplish development <br />of a conceptual model for the Healthy Community element were as follows: <br />Conducted robust and comprehensive literature review on the relationship between planning <br />issues and health issues; <br />Looked at indicators of community health from archival sources such as the Census Bureau <br />and UCF's centralized database to develop a set of indicators on the "health" of Casselberry; <br />Extensive citizen/resident engagement outreach, including attendance at events to hand out a <br />survey to determine what citizens would like to see Casselberry do in the way of health <br />options, including access to healthy foods; options for more exercise and access to more <br />recreational amenities; pedestrian connectivity; and other elements of the built environment <br />that the City could shape to improve health. That survey was delivered through face to face <br />
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