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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 24, 2017 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 13 <br />Audience participation: <br />Mr. Mike Johnson, 312 Tangerine Street, Altamonte Springs, stated he was a resident of <br />unincorporated Seminole County just outside Casselberry city limits, and expressed concerns <br />that not enough young veterans were being hired by local governments in Central Florida. He <br />suggested the City should have a policy of hiring veterans to make it clear to the community <br />that the City supports those young men and women who are fighting for our freedoms. <br />Mayor Glancy thanked Mr. Johnson for his comments but reminded the audience that at this time comments <br />should be related to the current agenda item pertaining to the proposed Health Element of the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. Mr. Larry Littrell, 124 North Lost Lake Lane, stated he felt the Commission should seriously <br />consider the results of the survey that had been conducted, noting that there had been robust <br />support for a skate park in the survey which he felt would definitely meet the goals of the <br />Health Element, in addition to providing social benefits. He asked the Commission to <br />consider using the Health Element to make a positive change in the community, whether it is <br />a skate park, a community garden, or something else to benefit the health of the citizens. <br />Mr. John Casselberry, 700 South Lost Lake Lane, stated he felt the City should compare the <br />City's health statistics with those in surrounding areas, especially as it relates to the City's <br />water system, in light of the fact that the City provides utility services to nearly as many <br />customers outside city limits as inside. <br />No one else came forward. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve the inclusion of the Health Element <br />within the City's Comprehensive Plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Hufford. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 4-0. <br />The Commission as a whole again extended thanks to the students from UCF for their participation in this <br />project and wished them well in their future endeavors after graduation. <br />13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />Mayor Glancy announced persons that wished to make comment or make inquiry on any matter not on the <br />agenda, may request to be recognized during Citizens' Comments. Mayor Glancy announced the rules of <br />decorum. The following individuals came forward: <br />Mr. Larry Littrell, 124 North Lost Lake Lane, expressed concerns about the public not yet <br />having gotten details about the Parks Master Plan and urged the Commission to give an <br />update to the public on the status of the Plan and to continue to keep them informed. <br />2. Mr. Michael Johnson, 312 Tangerine Street, Altamonte Springs, expressed concerns about the <br />traffic in the area and suggested City staff should research traffic engineering in Norway, as <br />