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CC 09/26/2016 Minutes
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CC 09/26/2016 Minutes
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 26, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />Staff Presentation: Finance Director Rebecca Bowman gave a brief presentation pertaining to both the final <br />operating millage rate and the final operating budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. She advised that the City <br />Commission held a public hearing and approved the tentative millage rate of 3.1201 mills on September 12, <br />2016. She further stated that the Commission was being asked to adopt a final operating millage rate of <br />3.1201 mills for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, which would result in $3,666,915 in ad valorem tax revenue for Fiscal <br />Year 2016-2017. She added that this rate was 7.78% above the rolled -back rate of 2.8949 mills and would <br />result in a TIF (Tax Increment Funding) payment from the City to the CRA (Community Redevelopment <br />Agency) of $156,500. Ms. Bowman advised that the proposed budget presented at the first public hearing was <br />$46,975,816 and that no modifications to the budget had occurred since the public hearing; therefore, the final <br />budget being presented for consideration at the second and final public hearing was $46,975,816. She further <br />advised that the most significant increases to the various funds were as follows: <br />Building Safety Fund $ 65,700 Increase <br />Water and Sewer Fund $ (7,035) Decrease <br />Ms. Bowman then gave a brief overview of the projects and proposed expenditures which resulted in the <br />increase and decrease, and additional details as to the proposed revenues and expenditures contained in the <br />budget, noting that adoption of the proposed budget of $46,975,816 would result in an increase of $4.2 million <br />or a 9.7% increase over Fiscal Year 2015-2016. <br />Mr. Newlon announced that the final operating millage rate for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 was proposed to be set <br />at 3.1201 mills, which was 7.78% above the rolled -back rate of 2.8949 mills. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Glancy stated this was a public hearing to hear and consider comments and questions <br />regarding the City's final millage rate for the coming fiscal year. Mayor Glancy opened the floor for public <br />participation. No one came forward. Mayor Glancy closed the public hearing relative to Resolution 16-2912. <br />Budget Impact: The final millage rate of 3.1201 mills is expected to deliver $3,666,915 in ad valorem tax <br />revenue to the General Fund. The City is obligated to pay to its Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) a <br />distribution called Tax Increment Funding (TIF) based on taxes assessed and collected from properties within <br />the geographic boundaries ofthe CRA. The final millage rate of 3.1201 mills will lead to a TIF payment from <br />the City to the CRA of $156,500. This information is included in the requested Final Budget for Fiscal Year <br />2016-2017. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Finance Director recommended adoption of Resolution 16- <br />2912 to set the final adopted millage rate for FY 2017 at 3.1201 mills. <br />MOTION: Commissioner Solomon moved to approve Resolution 16-2912, establishing the <br />final operating millage rate of 3.1201 mills for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, as <br />presented. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Aramendia. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 4-0. <br />Mayor Glancy announced that the City of Casselberry has adopted a property tax rate of 3.1201 mills as the <br />final millage rate for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. This rate is 7.78% higher than the rolled back rate of 2.8949 <br />mills. <br />
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