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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 8, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 15 <br />10. FIRS' READING OF ORDINANCES <br />No items were scheduled on this agenda. <br />A. First Reading of Ordinance 13 -1393 — Update to Impact Fee Schedule and Creation <br />of a Multi -Modal Fee for Transportation <br />The City Cleric read Ordinance 13 -1393 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE <br />REPEAL OF CHAPTER 55 (RELATED TO POLICE AND FIRE RESCUE IMPACT FEES) AND <br />CHAPTER 67 (RELATED TO TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES) OF THE CITY CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES AND THE REPEAL OF SECTION 4- 19.2(T) OF THE UNIFIED LAND <br />DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (RELATED TO PARK AND RECREATION IMPACT FEES); <br />PROVIDING FOR THE CONSOLIDATION AND READOPTION OF CITY IMPACT FEES AS <br />CHAPTER 53 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE UPDATE OF <br />PARK, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIRE RESCUE IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE <br />CONVERSION OF TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES TO MULTI -MODAL IMPACT FEES; <br />PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT, INTENT AND PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF <br />CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION AND PAYMENT OF IMPACT FEES <br />AND FEE SCHEDULES, ALTERNATIVE IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS, CREDITS, VESTED <br />RIGHTS, USE OF FUNDS AND REFUNDS, CHANGES IN USE, DELINQUENCIES, EXEMPTIONS, <br />APPEALS, INDIVIDUALIZED CALCULATIONS, AND PROGRAM REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR <br />CODIFICATION, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Notice of Public Hearing: The Notice of Public Hearing relative to Ordinance 13 -13 93 was published in the <br />Orlando Sentinel on Jame 27, 2013. <br />Staff Presentation: Interim Community Development Director Sandra Smith gave a brief overview of the <br />item, stating that this ordinance provided for a revised impact fee schedule and the creation of a multi -modal <br />fee in lieu of a transportation fee. She advised that the City had last updated its impact fee schedules in 1999 <br />for transportation fees and in 2006 for fire and rescue, law enforcement and parks and recreation. The impact <br />fee study had been accepted by the Commission on June 8, 2013. <br />Ms. Smith stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance at its June 12, <br />2013 meeting and recommended approval by the City Commission. She added that if approved on first <br />reading, the ordinance would be presented for consideration and adoption at the August 12, 2013 Commission <br />meeting. <br />Budget Impact: There is no impact to the City budget. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Interim Community Development Director recommended <br />approval of Ordinance 13 -1393. <br />