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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of April 23, 2012 — workshop <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Location <br />The Commission agreed as a whole that having in -state experience would be favored, but not required. <br />Areas of Experience <br />After discussion, the Commission as a whole agreed that the following areas of experience would be the most <br />favored, but not required: Finance and Accounting, Economic Development, Strategic Planning, <br />Redevelopment and Budget and Management. <br />Desired Initiatives <br />Mr. Brooks explained that this section of the questionnaire was to help develop a trend which would help with <br />screening of applicants. He went through a list of statements from actual City Manager resumes in the <br />following subject areas, and asked for input from the Commission as to which types of statements they felt <br />would make the applicant stand out in either a positive or negative way: <br />Fiscal and Budgetary <br />Leadership <br />Economic Development <br />Infrastructure Development <br />Quality of Life <br />Governmental Management <br />Professional Development <br />Sample Summaries <br />After a lengthy discussion of the statements presented, the Commission generally agreed that statements <br />relating to economic development, initiation of public - private partnerships, recruitment of new businesses and <br />expansion of local businesses, and establishment of a marketing and communications department to enhance <br />visibility and identity of the city for economic development purposes would be among those they would have <br />the most interest in seeing from an applicant. The Commission also felt that statements documenting an <br />applicant's experience in strengthening communication between the city and the community, team building and <br />motivation, making improvements in administrative policies and procedures and expressing support for <br />enhancing the quality of life in the community would also be of particular interest. <br />Desired Characteristics <br />Mr. Brooks presented the following list of characteristics and asked the Commissioners to identify which of <br />these or other characteristics they would desire in a City Manager. <br />Self- motivated <br />Decision Maker <br />Team - Builder <br />Assertive <br />Problem - Solver <br />Positive Thinker <br />Personable <br />Outgoing <br />Other <br />