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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of October 26, 2009 - Regular Meeting <br />Page 11 of 14 <br /> <br />gave a presentation based on the memorandum provided with the agenda materials for this item. A copy of <br />said memorandum is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Chief Ruf stated while staff is <br />sympathetic to the financial concerns of the Nease's, the property owner is and must be held responsible for the <br />condition of the home as well as for ensuring that their correct personal contact address is provided to the <br />proper authorities. ChiefRuffurther stated that the subject property is non-homesteaded and there have been <br />no other Code Enforcement lien appeal cases where the homeowners had an incorrect mailing address on file <br />with the Property Appraiser's Office. ChiefRuf stated all proper notices were made to correct this violation <br />and the property owners are responsible for paying the fine for this non-homesteaded propeliy which was <br />allowed to become a neighborhood code enforcement problem. Chief Ruf stated that the City has incurred <br />staff expenses in the amount of$l 00 and $630 in attorney's fees in result ofa lien of two other properties that <br />are in foreclosure owned by the Nease's. The City Attorney clarified that a code lien applies to all properties <br />owned by the property owner in the County, so the City had to respond to the foreclosures on the other <br />properties. <br /> <br />Audience Participation: The following individuals came forward to address this matter: <br /> <br />1) Ms. Diane Nease, 402 Gregory Drive, requested the City Commission approve the reduction in lien as <br />recommended by the Code Enforcement Board. Ms. Nease gave her account of the series of events, <br />explanation as why the property is not homesteaded, and claimed that she had notified the Code Enforcement <br />Division of her correct contact information. Ms. Nease submitted a picture of the subject property she claimed <br />was taken in February 2009, and feltthatthe dead grass was not a code violation. Ms. Nease further stated that <br />she continued to have financial difficulties and any fines would be a financial hardship. <br /> <br />2) Mr. James Fraleigh, 1290 Seminola Boulevard, spoke in favor of the reduction oflien. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Commissioner Miller moved to deny the recommended reduction of Code <br />Enforcement Lien on 402 Gregory Drive. Motion was seconded by <br />Commissioner Solomon. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION: Commissioner Doerner stated she did not support the recommended amount for <br />reduction, and suggested $730.00 to cover staff and legal costs associated with this <br />case. Commissioner Miller and Commissioner Solomon stated they sympathized <br />with the situation, but felt it was the property owner's responsibility to ensure that <br />correct contact information is provided to authorities and that their propeliy is <br />properly maintained. Commissioner Miller voiced concerns regarding the Code <br />Enforcement Board's methodology for determining the reduction amount, and did <br />not feel that the lien should be reduced, however it was reduced, the amount needed <br />to cover the staff and legal costs. Vice Mayor Hufford suggested reducing the lien to <br />one-half the amount, $1,225.00 but would be comfortable with $730.00. Mayor <br />Glancy stated she supported reducing the lien to $730.00. The City Attorney further <br />clarified there were further legal costs incurred today, so the total legal fees were <br />approximately $830.00. <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously by voice vote 5 - O. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Commissioner Miller moved to reduce the Code Enforcement Lien placed on <br />