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2008 Seminole County Phase One Fern Park US Route 17-92 CRA Corridor <br />Analysis (by ECFRPC); <br />+ Corridor and intersection innprove~nents and transit studies planned by MetxoPlan <br />and FDOT for dne US 1.792 corridor; <br />T'otential Bus Rapid Txansit plannning bl~ Lynx for the U5 Route 17-92 corridor, <br />including Casselbert-~r. <br />77ie deliverables associated with this project will be in the farm of map products, data sets, <br />economic impact analysis, alternative intersection designs and a written report. Tlne scope of <br />this woxk is outlined in the tasks below. <br />Y1, TASKS <br />Tas1~ A- Altetxaative US ~toute 17-92 and S~ 436 lntezsecdon Designs <br />The ECFRPC will caaxdinate with I~imle}r Horn (l~F-I} Consultants on this task. KI-I has a <br />continuing services contract with Casselberiy and will act as their independent consultant to <br />do the alternative iitersection designs and model the traffic efficiency of tEie alternatives. <br />Task A `~lorlc Flow and Responsibilities <br />ECFRPC will provide base mapping and project oversight. See base mapping details in <br />'T'ask B. <br />2. ECRFRPC will organize and lead a design Charrette that hill sketch the basic alternnatives <br />for intexsection design. Charrette participants will be ECFRPC staff, Kitnley-Horn, and <br />Casseiberry planning and public woxks staff. <br />3. I~nley Horn, working directly for the city of Casselberzy, wiU prepare tl~e conceptual <br />desigji alternatives and coordinate with ECFRPC. ECFRPC will work wide KH to <br />optimize up to Four alternative designs. KH will use traffic modeling saft<vare acceptable <br />to FDOT {or other methods as reco~runer~ded by FDOT) to determine the efficiency <br />and anticipated operational characteristics o£ each alternative. KFI will perform a <br />preliminary fatal flaw type analysis an traffic modeling. KH will further detail the designs <br />adequately to :run their traffic models to see if the intersection, with significant left him <br />movements diverted around it, will woxk to improve anticipated traffic flow. <br />4. ECFRPC will work with I{H to optimize the four economic redevelopment nodes (NE, <br />NW, SE, SW quadrants of the intersection) to retain viable commercial uses and to <br />attract new economic development aroiund the SR X36 and 17-92 intersection. <br />5. ECFRPC will develop an alteznate parcel assembly map fox the intersection alternative <br />that models the best traffic flaw. Using the REIā€¢~I Policy insight model, ECFRPC will <br />model the economic impact of the redevelopment of the intersection, both for the <br />Casselberiy 1792/436 Intersectiott Study v5 9 29 d9 3 <br />