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<br />CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 14,2008 - Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of14 <br /> <br />Budget Impact: This item has no budget impact. <br /> <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the City Clerk recommended approval of Ordinance 08-1248 on <br />first reading, and requested that the second reading and public hearing be scheduled for July 28, 2008. <br /> <br />MOTION: <br /> <br />Commissioner Solomon moved to approve Ordinance <br />08-1248 on first reading as presented. Motion was <br />seconded by Vice Mayor Hnfford. Motion carried <br />unanlmonsly by voice vote 5 - O. <br /> <br />An inquiry was made regarding contribution limitations for a run-off election. The City Clerk was directed <br />to research the matter and report back to the City Commission with the requested information. <br /> <br />11. RESOLUTIONS <br /> <br />A. RGsvlutlou 08 1898 - R"",,~d,~~t~al Svlld WASt.... COu;)U111'-'L ri~\,.I,", Ind,-,^ (ern Rut, <br />Adil1.5tllhont [01 Z808 - REMOVED <br /> <br />The City Manager requested Resolution 08-1898 be removed from the agenda and noted it would brought <br />backfor consideration at afuture meeting. Please refer to page 2 of these minutes for the motion to remove <br />this item. <br /> <br />B. Resolution 08-1900 - Contractual Agreement with Brandes Design-Build. Inc. For <br />the South Water Treatment Plant Forced Draft Aeration Proiect <br /> <br />The City Clerk read Resolution 08-1900 by title as follows: <br /> <br />"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT WITH BRANDES DESIGN-BUILD, INC. FOR <br />THE SOUTHW A TER TREATMENT PLANT FORCED DRAFT AERA TIONPROJECT; <br />PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, AND EFFECTIVE DATE." <br /> <br />Staff Presentation: Mr. Ed Torres, Public Works Director, stated Resolution 08-1900 provides for award <br />of lowest responsive bid in the amount of$I ,599,000 to Brandes Design-Build for construction of the South <br />Water Treatment Plant Forced Draft Aeration project. The construction duration to complete this project <br />is estimated to be eight months. <br /> <br />Budget Impact: The project engineer's construction cost estimate for this project was $],460,000. Fund <br />to cover the project cost of construction, $1,599,000, are budgeted as follows: $800,000 in the FY 2008 <br />Capital Improvement Fund, Water Production; and an additional $850,000 is included in the proposed budget <br />for FY 2009. Please note that funding for this project was split between the two fiscal years to account for <br />the design and permitting time associated with the project. <br />