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City Commission <br />Special Workshop Presentations <br />Investor Owned Electrical Providers <br />Page 28 <br /> <br />changed that. The franchise fee will be in that figure, whatever fee they collect, they will remit. <br />Under the current franchise they do not pay property taxes here in the City of Casselberry <br />because they left that out from the fees. <br /> <br />RALEY: That is correct, that was in the previous franchise agreement and we have changed <br />that in the documents that you have. <br /> <br />COOK: And are we still, they are still collecting that fee based on the previous agreement <br />even though ..... <br /> <br />SEGRETO: Based on Judge Nelson's order, we are still collecting based on the old <br />agreement. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: Other questions. <br /> <br />COOK: Not at this time. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: Again, thank you Mr. Raley for taking the time, while the questions may not <br />have been the easy questions for you to answer from our Commission, I certainly appreciate you <br />and your staff for all coming out here and your staff certainly giving you moral support. I <br />appreciate you all coming out here this evening and taking the time to give us your proposal. <br /> <br />RALEY: I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working with the City of <br />Casselberry and Commissioner. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: Thank you. At this point we will take a brief five minute recess and the next <br />presenter will have the opportunity to set up. <br /> <br />PRONOVOST: If everyone will go ahead and take their seats, we will begin momentarily. <br />The City Commission Meeting of March t 1, 2003 is now reconvened and the gentleman up here <br />in a suit, I see that he got his luggage, at last evening's meeting he indicated that the airline <br />somehow lost his golf bag. He is in the other suit tonight, so that means it was found, glad that it <br />was found for you. State you name for the record. <br /> <br />De KORNE: My name is Bob de Kome, I am the Senior Vice President of Enco Utility Services. <br />Mr. Mayor and Commissioners.I very much appreciate you inviting us to speak tonight. As you <br />eluded to two potential alternatives, one of which was to renegotiate a franchise agreement with <br />Florida Power, or I guess now as Progress Energy and it is apparent that you have been doing that <br /> <br /> <br />