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CITY OF CASSELBERRY <br />OATH OF OFFICE <br />I, NANCY C. DIVITA, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the <br />Constitution and Government of the United States and the State of Florida; and the <br />Charter and Ordinances of the City of Casselberry; and that I am duly qualified to hold <br />office under the Constitution of the State, and that I will well and faithfully perform the <br />duties of Commissioner of the City of Casselberry, Florida, on which I am about to enter, <br />So help me God. <br />' A <br />NANCY CIVITA <br />COMMISS ONER, SEAT NO. 2 <br />I affirm that I administered the above Oath of Office to Nancy C. Divita this t day <br />of December, 2024. <br />%4 <br />KRI'Sf IN N. EICK <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />