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Ron DeSantis, Governor Kevin Guthrie, Executive Director <br />1 <br />STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT - 2023 <br />This Agreement is an acknowledgment of receipt by the Florida Division of Emergency <br />Management ("the Division") and the local government ("Participating Party") signing this <br />Agreement. Execution of this agreement replaces all previous iterations and is active until a new <br />agreement is drafted and requested by The Division., <br />This Agreement is based on the existence of the following conditions: <br />A. The State of Florida is vulnerable to a wide range of emergencies and disasters that <br />are likely to cause the disruption of essential services and the destruction of the <br />infrastructure needed to deliver those services. <br />B. Such emergencies and disasters often exceed the emergency response and recovery <br />capabilities of any one county or local government. <br />C. Such incidents may also give rise to unusual and unanticipated physical and technical <br />needs which a local government cannot meetwith existing resources, but that other local <br />governments within the State of Florida may be able to provide. <br />D. The Emergency Management Act, chapter 252, Florida Statutes, provides each local <br />government of the state the authority to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements <br />within the state for reciprocal emergency aid in case of emergencies too extensive to be <br />dealt with unassisted, and through such agreements ensure the timely reimbursement <br />of costs incurred by the local governments which render such assistance. <br />E. Pursuant to chapter 252.32, Florida Statutes, the Division renders mutual aid among <br />the political subdivisions of the state to carry out emergency management functions <br />and responsibilities. <br />F. Pursuant to chapter 252, Florida Statutes, the Division has the authority to coordinate <br />and direct emergency management assistance between local governments and <br />concentrate available resources where needed. <br />Based on the existence of the foregoing conditions, the Parties agree to the following articles: <br />ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS <br />As used in this Agreement, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: <br />A. The "Agreement" is this Agreement, which shall be referred to as the Statewide Mutual <br />Aid Agreement ("SMAK). <br />D I V I S 1 0 N H E A D Q U A R T E R S Telephone: 850-815-4000 STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTER <br />2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard www.Fl rid�Disas.ter&g 2702 Directors Row <br />Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Orlando, FL. 32809-5631 <br />