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D. Direct the actions of any state agency as necessary to implement the Federal <br />Emergency Management Agency's National Disaster Recovery Framework. <br />E, Designate Deputy State Coordinating Officers and Deputy State Disaster <br />Recovery Coordinators, as necessary. <br />F. Suspend the effect of any statute, rule, or order that would in any way prevent, <br />hinder, or delay any mitigation, response, or recovery action necessary to cope with this <br />emergency, In accordance with section 2523611(1), Florida Statutes, any such order, declaration, <br />or other action shall specify each statute or rule being amended or waived, if applicable, and the <br />expiration date for the order or action. s <br />G. Enter orders as may be needed to implement any of the foregoing powers. The <br />requirements of sections 252.46(1)-(2) and 120.54(4), Florida Statutes, do not apply to any such <br />orders issued by the State Coordinating Officer. No such order shall remain in effect beyond the <br />expiration of this Executive Order, including any extension thereof <br />Section 3. I order the Adjutant General to activate the Florida National Guard, as needed, <br />to deal with this emergency. <br />Section 4. I find that the special duties and responsibilities resting upon some state, <br />regional, and local agencies and other governmental bodies in responding to this emergency may <br />require them to suspend or waive certain statutes, rules, ordinances, and orders they administer. <br />Therefore, I issue the following authorizations: <br />A. Pursuant to section 252.36(6)(a), Florida Statutes, the Executive Office of the <br />Governor may suspend all statutes and rules affecting budgeting to the extent necessary to provide <br />budget authority for state agencies to cope with this emergency. The requirements of sections <br />252.46(1)-(2) and 120.54(4), Florida Statutes, do not apply to any such suspension issued by the <br />W <br />