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CASSELBGRRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of December 14, 2021 - Special Joint <br />Meeting with Parks and Recreation Advisory Board <br />Page 8 of 8 <br />included in the Final Conceptual Master Plan, but would not be included in <br />the initial phase, and would be clearly noted as potential future expansion of <br />the project as funding becomes available. <br />5. CITIZENS' COMMENTS <br />The following individual came forward: <br />Karen Hulbert, 410 Iris Road, commended the City on how good Lake Concord Park looked <br />decorated for the holidays, and extended thanks to everyone who had put in the hard work to <br />make it look so great. <br />No one else came forward. <br />6. ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Henson thanked all who had attended the meeting, including the City Commission, staff, consultants, <br />Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members and those who were in the audience. Mayor Henson <br />adjourned the Special Joint Meeting at 8:11 p.m. <br />DATE MINUTES APPROVED BY CITY COMMISSION: F `I <br />ATTEST: <br />1,00z4t4 <br />Donna G. Gardner, CMC <br />City Clerk <br />