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CC 02/24/2021 Minutes (Pre-Planning Budget Workshop)
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2021 City Commission Minutes
CC 02/24/2021 Minutes (Pre-Planning Budget Workshop)
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4/13/2021 9:27:20 AM
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4/13/2021 9:27:17 AM
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of February 24, 2021 — Pre -Budget Planning Workshop <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />Mayor Henson brought up the subject of the feasibility of live streaming the City Commission meetings as <br />there had been requests from citizens for the City to do this and asked for discussion and input from the City <br />Commission on the issue. <br />Discussion: A lengthy discussion ensued regarding feasibility of live streaming City Commission meetings <br />which included the following: options for providing live feed of meetings, including Facebook, Spectrum, <br />Zoom and YouTube; requirements for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance for audio and <br />video, and also for all public records; cost concerns for live streaming; how many people would actually <br />benefit from live streaming; what preliminary steps had been taken to research the feasibility of live <br />streaming; other options for communications to the public, such as the City's newsletter and notices in utility <br />bills; what other jurisdictions are live streaming and what methods they are using to do so; possibly seeking <br />input from Florida League of Cities as to options for live streaming and information about what other <br />jurisdictions around the state are doing; effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on how public meetings are <br />conducted; expiration of Governor DeSantis' Order allowing virtual meetings; legal ramifications relating to <br />virtual and live streamed meetings; the importance of transparency on the part of the City; challenges to <br />creating an ADA compliant agenda packet; public records requests; constantly changing technology; cost of <br />live streaming vs. benefit to the citizens; records management and efforts to make the City website ADA <br />compliant; and the need to educate the public as to the ADA requirements. City Clerk Donna Gardner <br />advised she had conducted preliminary research on live streaming by reaching out to all Seminole County <br />cities, the Seminole County School Board and ten other cities around the State of Florida with a survey <br />relating to whether they are live streaming, and if so, how it is being accomplished. She distributed a <br />spreadsheet with the survey results to the City Commissioner and advised she would also provide it to them <br />electronically. <br />Mr. Newlon advised that staff would be working towards creating ADA compliant agenda packets that could <br />be available to the public who were interested ahead of the meetings, and would continue to research the <br />feasibility and potential cost of live streaming meetings and would bring back recommendations for City <br />Commission consideration at a future date. <br />The meeting was recessed at 4:08 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 4:12 p.m. <br />7. OPEN DISCUSSION <br />Discussion ensued during each of the presentations on the various topics being detailed, which included but <br />was not limited to: general fund forecast assumptions; review of building permit and impact fees; review and <br />updating of City Code; updating of technology, including potential customer utility portal; staff training and <br />development; continued water quality improvement efforts; various utility upgrades and replacement projects; <br />preservation of fund reserves; redevelopment potential; employee recognition and incentives; employee exit <br />interviews and whether information received is utilized to make policy or procedural changes; volunteer <br />recognition; Police Department equipment replacement and potential statutory unfunded mandates regarding <br />body cameras; playground equipment inspections and repairs; risk management issues and internal auditing <br />practices; and potential automation of various City processes. <br />
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