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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of July 15, 2019 - Special Meeting <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />Discussion: Brief discussion ensued which included: whether future replacement costs for equipment had <br />been factored into the operations and maintenance costs shown in the presentation; concerns about wording <br />of a potential referendum question and clear communication to the voters; potential for changes to the <br />proposed concepts presented, and adjustments to projected costs based on those changes when determined; <br />concerns about potential for promising something that cannot be delivered due to unforeseen circumstances <br />such as inflationary increases, etc.; adding a possible caveat "to the extent funds are available" or something <br />similar; determination of amount the City Commission would feel comfortable with asking the public to <br />authorize in a bond referendum; need for public information campaign further into the process; <br />prioritization of the proposed parks projects; consideration of other planned City projects outside of the <br />parks improvements and the need to continue to handle funding and management of all the projects <br />effectively. <br />5. DISCUSSION AND GUIDANCE <br />A. Park Development Selection <br />Mr. Newlon explained that at this point in the agenda he was seeking guidance from the City Commission <br />as to whether there was support for advancement of all six parks for continued consideration should funding <br />be available for the proposed improvements. Each member of the City Commission expressed support for <br />advancing the six parks as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for possible funding <br />of improvements through a bond referendum. Several of the Commissioners noted that prioritization of the <br />parks projects was very important, and they would support the prioritized list as recommended by the Parks <br />and Recreation Advisory Board; however, Mr. Newlon advised that at this time he was looking only for <br />consensus as to whether to advance the six parks or not, and prioritization would be discussed at a later <br />time in the Agenda. <br />Audience Participation: The following individual came forward to address this item: <br />Ms. Colleen Hufford, 527 Queens Mirror Circle, stated she was generally in favor of the <br />proposed improvements, but expressed concerns that the proposed Wheel Park was too large <br />in scope and stated she was opposed to placing too many pavilions into the neighborhood parks. <br />No one else came forward. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Aramendia moved to approve the advancement of all six parks as <br />recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Busch. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote <br />5-0. <br />Mr. Newlon advised that the next thing for Commission consideration would be whether there were any <br />changes the Commission would recommend at this point, and he referred back to each park and the <br />recommendations made by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. <br />Dew Drop Park — The recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is to delete the splash <br />pad, the fountain and the sports lighting, and to scale back or delete the boardwalk but keep the fishing pier. <br />