efficient, integrated and connected multimodal transportation network
<br />that will provide access, mobility, safety and connectivity for all users.
<br />The City affirms that all road projects should be designed to comfortably
<br />accommodate all users to the fullest extent possible; that bicycling,
<br />walking, the disabled, and public transit accommodations are a routine
<br />part of the city planning, design, construction, maintenance, and
<br />operating activities; and that bicycle and pedestrian ways should be
<br />considered in new construction, reconstruction, resurfacing or other
<br />retrofit projects. In developing these accommodations, the latest, best,
<br />and context- sensitive design standards will be used, while recognizing
<br />the need for flexibility in balancing user needs.
<br />The MTE cross references and calls for implementation of this MTMP's Complete
<br />Streets Policy and Design Guidelines. It is therefore the intent of this MTMP's Healthy
<br />Community Complete Streets Policy and Design Guidelines to provide additional policy
<br />and guidance to achieve the systemwide intent of complete streets, both from a public
<br />investment and private development perspective.
<br />9.3.3 Definition
<br />Complete streets are planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe
<br />access for all users of all ages and abilities, meaning that people walking, people biking,
<br />people with disabilities, people using public transportation, people driving, and freight
<br />and service operators are able to safely and efficiently move through the transportation
<br />network. Complete streets provide access to all users in a manner that promotes safe,
<br />efficient movement of people and goods whether by foot, bicycle, assistive device,
<br />transit, car, or truck. This Complete Streets Policy recognizes that, depending on
<br />context, streets may serve diverse activities, functions, and intensity of uses, and that
<br />not all uses are necessarily appropriate for all streets.
<br />9.3.4 Vision
<br />The City of Casselberry's Complete Streets vision is: a safe, reliable, efficient, balanced,
<br />integrated, economically viable, environmentally sustainable, equitable, and connected
<br />multimodal transportation network that will provide access, mobility, safety and
<br />connectivity for all users while supporting a healthy and vibrant local community, where
<br />active transportation becomes a viable and routine choice for daily mobility needs.
<br />9.3.5 Goal
<br />The City recognizes that, over many decades, the transportation system in Central
<br />Florida has become increasingly unbalanced in favor of the single occupancy vehicle to
<br />the detriment of people walking, people biking, people using public transportation, and
<br />people with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices.
<br />Further, viable active transportation options are critical for community health, as they
<br />promote daily, routine physical activity and thus help reduce risk of diseases such as
<br />diabetes. In addition, walkability increases property values and attracts talent, spurring
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