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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of June 27, 2016 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 7 of 16 <br />8. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />EMS <br />A. Future Agenda Items <br />Vice Mayor Hufford advised she, Commissioner Aramendia and Commissioner -Elect Bill Hufford had <br />recently attended a meeting of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) project visioning team <br />regarding pians for the area on State Road 436 between Wilshire Boulevard and U.S. Highway 17-92. After <br />some discussion amongst the Commissioners and City Manager Randy Newlon, it was agreed that Mr. Newlon <br />would provide all the Commissioners with the information Vice Mayor Hufford had received at the meeting, <br />and he would review the information with staff and schedule a workshop possibly in July for additional <br />discussion and Commission input about what improvements they would like see included in this FDOT-funded <br />project. Mr. Newlon suggested that perhaps then a letter could be drafted to FDOT expressing the <br />Commission's concerns about the area and what they would like to see happen along this major corridor in the <br />Casselberry community. <br />Vice Mayor Hufford also expressed some concerns about the City's sign regulations regarding campaign signs <br />in residential areas which were larger than those normally allowed. She noted that she had observed one which <br />was particularly concerning at the corner of Winter Park Drive and Marigold Road. Mr. Newlon and <br />Community Development Director Sandra Smith advised that they would have staff go out to the site and <br />determine if the sign constituted a violation of existing sign regulations. Ms. Smith also advised that at the <br />direction of City Attorney Katie Reischmann she was currently working on drafting an ordinance relating to <br />temporary signs which will now include political signs due to a recent court ruling relative to free speech issues <br />and signs. <br />B. Municipal Advisory Committee (Metroplan� Report <br />No report. <br />C. Leadership Seminole Board Report <br />Reported that the Board had met on Friday, June 17, 2016, and shared that Recreation Programs & Events <br />Supervisor Lynn Hoppes would be joining the Executive Council. She also advised that Leadership Seminole <br />would be sponsoring a community event at Northland Church in response to the recent tragic events in <br />Orlando, on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 from 7:30 a.m, to 9:15 a.m. She stated that it would be entitled <br />Community Discussion — When Tragedy Strikes! Hope and Healing Through Unity! and there would be a five - <br />person panel including Northland Church Sr. Pastor Joel Hunter and Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger, <br />among others. She encouraged those who were able to try and attend. <br />D. Mayors/Managers Group Report <br />No report. <br />