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Community Redevelopment Agency <br />September 28, 2015 <br />Page 2of3 <br />Fifth Item of Business: Project Funding: Lake Concord Park. <br />Ms. Sandra Smith, Community Development Director, explained that the City is requesting additional <br />funding from the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the Lake Concord Park Project. She said Seminole <br />County Government extended the City's Community Redevelopment District's term for another two years and in <br />granting the extension, it approved the CRA's Plan Update for implementation. Ms. Smith explained that the CRA <br />Plan Update included $500,000 for incentives to enhance redevelopment opportunities for the old Walmart site. Ms. <br />Smith stated that the City has had some discussions with Seminole State College and it has been determined that <br />they are unable to go forward with their proposed project for the site. <br />Ms. Smith said the City is requesting that the CRA consider providing the $500,000 that was originally <br />dedicated to the Walmart site to the Lake Concord Project for the additional costs incurred for the development of <br />that site. She said that staff is recommending the CRA amend the CRA Plan Update and the 2015/2016 Budget to <br />commit $500,000 to meet the construction needs for the Lake Concord Project and to permit flexibility in the use of <br />the original $1 million already distributed for the benefit of the project. <br />Mr. Randy Newlon, City Manager, said the CRA was originally chartered in 1995 and has been in existence <br />for 20 years. He said in 1995 the Tax Increment Value that the CRA was built around had a taxable value of $91 <br />million for the entire district. He said since that time the valuation of the taxable values of the properties in the district <br />has grown just $45 million. Mr. Newlon said the Lake Concord Park Project, from a CRA perspective, is estimated to <br />add $30 million in taxable value upon its successful completion. He said the development of Lake Concord Park has <br />led to the development of the old Walmart site and it could generate another $30 million in taxable value. Mr. Newlon <br />said with the growth from these two projects it may lead to a further extension of the CRA's existence. <br />Mayor Glancy asked for a motion on the approval of the project funding for Lake Concord Park. <br />Commissioner Solomon made a motion to approve the project funding for Lake Concord Park. Commissioner <br />Aramendia seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. <br />Sixth Item of Business: Other Business. <br />There was no other business before the Community Redevelopment Agency. <br />