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CASSELB1 RRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of August 12, 2013 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." <br />Staff Presentation: Planner Jason Sorenson gave a brief overview of each of the changes being proposed in <br />the Ordinance. He added that the Planning and Zoning Commission had provided a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />Discussion: Discussion ensued regarding the various changes being proposed, including the hours for <br />solicitation; stricter requirements for supervision of juvenile solicitor; definitions; permit terms and renewals; <br />and appeals process for denial of permits. Ms. Reischmann pointed out that there had been some recent case <br />law in which a Circuit Court Judge had found similar time restrictions to be an unreasonable restriction of free <br />speech. She added that the proposed changes were very similar to what other cities had in place, but cautioned <br />that there could possibly be challenges made to the restrictions. Additional brief discussion ensued regarding <br />resident and solicitor safety concerns, and justification for an increase to the permit fee. Ms. Smith explained <br />that the fee had not been raised since 1982 and the proposed fee would help defray the cost of background <br />checks which were done as part of the permitting process. <br />Audience Input: The following individual came forward to address Ordinance 13 -1396: <br />Mr. James Fraleigh, 23 Teresa Court, voiced opposition to Ordinance 13 -1396, stating he did <br />not feel the City was justified in restricting the times that 14- year -old kids could be out in the <br />neighborhoods. <br />Both Mayor Glancy and Mr. Newlon cautioned Mr. Fraleigh about using a respectable tone and words. Mr. <br />Fraleigh objected to the interruption of his comments. Mayor Glancy reminded Mr. Fraleigh that he was aware <br />of the rules of decorum and requested that he return to his seat. Mr. Fraleigh complied with Mayor Glancy's <br />request. <br />MOTION: Vice Mayor Solomon moved to approve Ordinance 13 -1396 on first reading, as <br />presented. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hufford. Motion carried <br />unanimously by voice vote 5 — 0. <br />II. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Second Reading of Ordinance 13 -1393 — Update to Impact Fee Schedule & Creation <br />of a Multi -Model Fee for Transportation <br />The City Clerk read Ordinance 13 -1393 by title as follows: <br />"AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE <br />REPEAL OF CHAPTER 55 (RELATED TO POLICE AND FIRE RESCUE IMPACT FEES) AND <br />CHAPTER 67 (RELATED TO TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES) OF THE CITY CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES AND THE REPEAL OF SECTION 4- 19.2(.1) OF THE UNIFIED LAND <br />DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (RELATED TO PARK AND RECREATION IMPACT FEES); <br />PROVIDING FOR THE CONSOLIDATION AND RE ADOPTION OF CITY IMPACT FEES AS <br />