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CC Minutes 08/13/2012
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2012 City Commission Minutes
CC Minutes 08/13/2012
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9/12/2012 11:12:06 AM
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9/12/2012 11:11:59 AM
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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of August 13, 2012 — Regular Meeting <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />• Reported that the CRA would be meeting Thursday at 9:00 a.m. <br />• Advised that Code Compliance Officer Marlene Broman had left employment with the City, <br />and that one of the other officers was dealing with illness, so the City was actively recruiting a <br />replacement for Ms. Broman. He stated that a part-time temporary employee had been hired <br />in the interim. <br />® No report. <br />® Reminded the Commission that the City Election would be held tomorrow and that all polling places <br />would be open from 7:00 a.m, to 7:00 p.m. She asked that if the Commissioners were contacted by <br />any of their constituents needing assistance in determining where their new polling place was located, <br />that they be referred to her or directly to the Supervisor of Elections office for assistance. <br />Commissioner Anthony Aramendia — Seat No. 1: <br />® Reported that the RunYak last Saturday sponsored by Travel Country and Friends of the Park was a <br />success. He stated that the fastest time was 41.37 minutes, and that Interim Finance Director Rebecca <br />Bowman's son came in third place. He added that they are looking to expand the event for next year. <br />Commissioner Sandra Solomon — Seat No. 3: <br />• Reported that she and Mr. Newlon had met with County Commissioner John Horan earlier in the day <br />and had discussed many items that are of interest to the City. Thanked Mr. Newlon for attending the <br />meeting with her. She added that Commissioner Horan is very much in favor of helping the south end <br />of the County. <br />• Shared an article she found interesting in the Atlanta Journal Constitution reporting about the City of <br />Austell which had passed an ordinance in an effort to improve the City's appearance which restricted <br />the time allowed for temporary coverings for outside storage. She stated that the penalties for <br />violation of a citation could be up to 60 days of labor for the City's Public Works Department, up to <br />six months in the City Jail and /or $1,000 fine by the Municipal Court. She added that she had found it <br />amusing in light of the all the recent discussion about code enforcement efforts. <br />
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