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X00' U C op ���� <br />�� � <br />oim <br />301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300 c Post Office Box 1757 a Tallahassee, FL 32302 -1757 <br />(850) 222 -9684 e Fax (850) 222 -3806 o Web site: <br />Dear Municipal Leaders, <br />Now that the 2012 Legislative Session is completed, it's time to look ahead to 2013, and begin our <br />advocacy efforts for next year. Effective advocacy begins and ends right at home in your cities, so <br />there's no better time to start than today, <br />By fostering and building a positive relationship with our state leaders, we can insure they fully <br />understand and respect the unintended consequences of unfunded mandates and preemption of Home <br />Rule Authority. Building those relationships is important now more than ever as serious candidates <br />for state office seek the support and assistance of our local leaders. <br />Strengthening our partnerships strengthens the voices of cities throughout Florida during the Legislative <br />Session, But it's only by working together tlu•ough on -going advocacy that we can affect positive change <br />in our state, <br />The enclosed Advocacy Checklist provides just a few examples of effective advocacy strategies <br />you can begin immediately. In addition, the Florida League of Cities is also developing several new, <br />advocacy initiatives in 2012 which are designed to help local elected officials become more engaged <br />with their state leaders. A brief outline is included in the enclosed packet. As more information and <br />programs are developed, we will keep you informed. <br />Kathy Till, a former local elected official in Apopka, is working with the Florida League of Cities as <br />an Advocacy Consultant, and is ready to help you develop an Advocacy Plan that works for you and your <br />community. She can be reached at 407 - 484 -3597 or advocacy4c! <br />We look forward to working with you, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions prior <br />to my next visit! <br />Respectfully, <br />Legislative Director <br />Florida League of Cities, Inc. <br />President Patricia J. Bates, Mayor, Altamonte Springs <br />First Vice President Manny Marono, Mayor, Sweetwater ° Second Vice President P.C. Wu, Councilman, Pensacola <br />Executive Director Michael Sittig 0 General Counsel Harry Morrison, Jr. <br />