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Community Redevelopment Agency <br />May 24, 2012 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />A brief discussion ensued regarding the proposed budget and the Board decided to continue this item to the <br />June 21, 2012 CRA meeting along with the Multi-Cultural Media Solutions agenda item, Mr. Jones made a motion to <br />continue this item to the June 21, 2012 CRA meeting. Mr. Daigle seconded the motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously by voice vote. <br />Tenth Item of business: pirector's Report <br />Mr. Martin stated that Walter Judge has submitted plans to the Cify regarding the facade improvements for <br />the Grassy Lake property that the CRA committed a $30,000 grant. Ms. Lynch distributed a copy of the drawings <br />showing the improvements (a copy is attached and made a part of the minutes). Mr. Martin said that it is basically a <br />re-skinning of the two existing buildings on that property. He said the proposed improvements have a Mediterranean <br />style building with an increased elevation. Mr. Martin said that the drawings give the appearance that it is a two story <br />building, Mr. Martin said it is consistent with the original approval from the CRA. He said it doesn't include <br />expanding the footprint but taking the existing square footage and re-doing the facade. In response to the Board's <br />question regarding the estimated time for construction to begin, Mr. Martin said Mr. Judge submitted the plans to the <br />department so the ball is rolling. Mr. Martin felt that once Mr. Judge receives the approvals from fhe City he would <br />begin construction. <br />A discussion ensued regarding the length of time that has passed since the CRA made this commitment. <br />Ms. Lynch explained that at the last CRA meeting the CRA expressed a concern regarding the time frame for this <br />grant. Ms. Lynch said that the CRA agreed to give Mr. Judge 90 days to submit plans to the City. Ms. Lynch said <br />that Mr. Judge has honored that request from the CRA. She explained that It took longer to have the plans drawn up <br />due to some issues regarding the decision to expand or re-face the buildings. She said Mr. Judge decided to go with <br />what was originally discussed and approved by the CRA. Ms. Lynch said in addition there are three easements <br />required to provide the sewer line to their property. Ms. Lynch said that Mr. Judge is honoring the CRA's timeline for <br />the development of the project. <br />Mr. Daigle made a motion that the CRA move forward based upon Mr. Judge satisfying the timelines and <br />your needs and staff is ok with it and the CRA will go ahead an honor what the CRA is responsible for. Mr. Trueba <br />seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote. <br />