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CASSELBERRY CITY COMMISSION <br />Minutes of September 8, 2008 - Regular Meeting <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />duties being reallocated and the management structure becoming one Police Chief, one Deputy Police Chief, <br />three Lieutenants and one new requested position of Police Support Services Manager, which will over <br />general administrative functions including Records, Property and Evidence, Analysis and Accreditation. The <br />position of Police Planner will be eliminated. <br />CRA: The proposed budget included a capital outlay expenditure of $225,000 to support the Plumosa <br />Intersection Improvement Project. It was discovered that this budget item duplicated one that was already <br />approved and committed in Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008 and therefore not necessary. <br />Debt Service Fund: Expenditures for debt service have been reduced by $98,425 to better reflect estimates <br />of the outcome for the City Center Note (3,005,000) refinance scheduled for November 2008, and a desire <br />to conform the budget for service to the precise schedule of payments and the presentation that will be <br />required on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Statements (CAFR). <br />Water and Sewer Fund: A two year project to convert the existing customer meters from touch read <br />technology requiring contracted meter readers to remote read technology has been deferred for further study <br />out of concern that ti may press rates for utility service higher. The $1,000,000 impact has been removed. <br />It is requested that two new positions be authorized for the Water and Sewer Utility. They are both described <br />as Water Production Plant and Reclamation Facility Operators. These will be hired as trainees with the <br />objective of cross training to support both operations. The creation of this new trainee program is in <br />response to the competitive market for skilled water and wastewater operators. The budget, including <br />benefits for the two positions is $82,682. <br />Budget Impact: The tentative budget requested for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 for the City of Casselberry is <br />$46,342,984. Schedules by fund summarizing the sources and uses of funds in the tentative operating budget <br />were distributed to the City Commission. The reconciliation between the proposed budget and the tentative <br />budget was also distributed to the City Commission, as well as the Capital Improvement Program. It was <br />requested that authorized staffing be changed from that which was listed in the proposed budget to include <br />an increase of two new positions as described above for the Water and Sewer Utility. The total authorized <br />personnel in the Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 Budget is 238 full time and 13 part time. <br />Recommendation: The City Manager and the Finance Director recommended adoption of Resolution 08- <br />1928 to establish a Tentative Operating Budget for the City of Casselberry totaling $46,342,984 for Fiscal <br />Year 2008 - 2009. <br />Public Hearing: Mayor Goff stated this was a public hearing to consider comments and questions regarding <br />the City's proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. Mayor Goff opened the floor for public <br />participation. The following individuals came forward: <br />1) Mr. Craig Tull, 420 Ranch Trail, inquired if it was necessary to bond the civilians <br />performing functions previously accomplished by sworn police officers. The City Manager <br />stated that bonding would not be necessary. <br />No one else came forward. Mayor Goff closed the public hearing relative to Resolution 08-1928 <br />