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<br />See 52.1 Emolovee Manual <br /> <br />The City Manaaer shall de.eloD. maintain and distribule an emolovee manual that includes oolicies <br />rules and reoulations as needed for effective City ooerations includina but not limited to. emolovee <br />arievance orocedures disciolinarv Drocedures. safetv Dolicies. and workolace Dolicies <br /> <br />Ses. 62 1. Definitisns. <br />The fOlloY.'in!') worEls, terms anEl !lRrases, wRen used in tRis CRapter, chall Rave tRs meanin!'lr 3€cri8~cl <br />to them in this SestieR, oxsept "'Rere the c"ntnxt ,,!gnr!,' iRlliealee :l difforOl'lt meanin!'l: <br />(1) ,^.!lecato: Tho aeci€lniR(j af a liasitlaH te tile app",prbte Gines iR ascerdanse .....ith its Eluties, <br />reEponsil:lilities ami auti'lerily. <br />(2) Aaministrati'le transfer: Transfer pursuaRt te SeslieR of e2 2e!! ef the CeEle ef OrElinanses I:lythe <br />City MaRa!')er. <br />(3) Anniversary Elate: TRe first day ef 'Nerk for a new employee anEl tRe Game Elate easR year <br />thereafter. This a!se is tRe Elate frem '.'.'RisR vasatien, sisk leave anEl elRer l:lenefite are semputed. (TRis <br />aate shanges snll' if aR emplsyee is iR a nsn pay status.fsr a poried sf :lO E1ays er mere and IReR the <br />aRniversary Elale ie EleferreEl 13y an equivalent ameunl.) <br />(4) .'\nRual salary adjustment: ,ll,nn~al re'Jie\\' 13aeed eR satisfastery per/ermanse at the Elirestien ef IRe <br />City Commiesien. <br />(5) Applisant: I.ny persen seekin!') emplsyment in tRe slm:6ified service wRe hac oxesuted aR <br />asseplal:lle lermal applisatien. <br />(e) Appeintee: TRe perseR selecteEl in ascerElanse '.VitR sivil service rules Ie fill a pecrlien in the <br />slassified service. <br />(7) Appeintin!il autherity: TAe City Mana!')er. <br />(!!) Appsintmenl: TAe Elesi(jnatieR 13y a !e!')ally senstituteEl autRerity ef a perseR Ie ecsupl' a pesitiOA. <br />pursuant Is tRe si'JiI ser'.'ise rules. <br />(e) Auait emplsymenl status: ,II, review of Elulies in an estal:llisReEl pesitieR te Elotermine tRe extant te <br />'....hisR tRe actual Eluties sf tRe peeilieR sempares te the je13 Elessriptien. Jl.n audit is per/ermed te <br />Elelermine the apprepriate use of a pesitisn. <br />(10)Jl.utRerizeEl persen: ,II, perseR appreveEl er assi!')neEl 13y IRe emple)'er Ie perferm a spesilis t)'pe ef <br />duty er Elulies er te 13e at a spesifis lecatien er lesatiens at IRe jel:l site. <br />(11 )Base rate of pay: ,1\R employee's Reurly rate ef pay fer non exempt empleyees anEl annual saiary <br />lor exompt employees. <br />(12)Benefit pm!')rams: empleyee RealtR anEl.t:elfare pre!'lrams. sush as vasatieR leave, sisk lea'/e. <br />holiElays, !')n:lUP meElisal anEl life iRsuranse, empleyee sU!'l!'lestisn pre!'lram, merit awarEls, Eleferred <br />sllmpeRsalillR IRe emplnynn ^oo'o'nnnn D'M.nm (e^f21 aR" a 'e"'emeRls\'Slem <br />I . - -_' -__._._..__ . ....~.....,. .. _, ," . <br />(13) BoarEl: TRll Civil Servise Beard. <br />(14)CertifisatisR: f. sul:lmissieR ef Rames ef eli!')il:lles frsm an eli(ji13ility list te the City Mana!'ler sr the <br />purpese ef 1iI1in!') a pesilieR in the slasslfied servise. <br />(1 li)Chair: The sRairmaR ef tRe sivil servise 13sard slesteEl as provided in IRis CRapler. <br />(1 e)Chief examiner: TRe BearEl appeinteEl CRief ,"xaminer ef tRe City, Rermalll' tRe Persennel Directer, <br />Among tRe aulies sf tRe Chief ,"xaminer are pre'Jidin!') fsr examiRations aRd oli!')i13i1itl' lists. <br />(17)Cit]' employes: AR inEli'liElual RimEl by tRe Cil]' ef Casselberry Is fill a 13uElgeteEl pesitieR. <br />(1 !!)Civil Eervise emp!eyee: P.II persens appeinted, insludin!') Reldover appsinlees, Ie City paiEl pesitiens <br />in all paid departments ef the City. exsludeEl frem tRis Elefinitien are: Charter effisers, ElepartRlent <br />diresters ans pre13alienary empleyees, alllRese ompleyed by tRe City on prefecsiennl relaiRer, all <br />ompleyeos holdiR!') seasonal, limilell, s~13stitule, temperary, pre'Jisienal, er emor(jensy appeintme~ts, <br />anEl any f",ture (essaeienal) amI surrent f:lesitions \'thisR may I:le (were) appeinteEl for wRisR an elwmpt <br />status may 13e spesified by aslion ef tRe Cily Mana!')sr anEl ralifieEl by affirmative 'Jete of IRe City <br />Commissien. <br />(1 9)Civil serviss seEle: TAe Persennel Pelisies, CRapter e2, ef tRe City sf Cassell:lerrj CoEle ef <br />Ordinanses. <br />(2Q)Claes anll slass ef pesiliens: 1'. !')reuf:l ef positisns estal:llisReEl under tRis CRapter s~fjisientll' similar <br />in resf:leGl ts tReir Elulies aREI respensil:lilitios tRat: <br />(3) The same title Rlay I:le ~ses witR slarity te desi(jnatG sash pesitien atleealed to tRe Glass; <br /> <br />2 <br />